专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-12-18 05:01





Business this week


Dec 3rd 2016


After months of haggling OPEC members agreed to the first cut in oil production in eight years. Non-OPEC members are expected to chip in with a cut of their own. Iran, which had been reluctant to reduce output so soon after returning to international markets, agreed to a token increase. The deal will reduce global production by almost 2%. Oil prices jumped in response. See article.


Property bubbling


The Case-Shiller national index of home prices in America rose to a new peak in September, climbing 0.1% above the previous peak reached in July 2006, before the bust in the housing market (adjusted for inflation, the index is still 16% below that mark). The index increased by 5.5% in the 12 months to September, helped by buoyant markets in Dallas, Denver, Portland and Seattle. But house prices in cities in the forefront of the previous boom, such as Las Vegas, Miami and Phoenix, remain well below their all-time highs.


  • Bust: 破产、倒闭

:凯斯-席勒指数由标准普尔公司编制的、反应美国房价价格的多重指数。它包括一个全美房房价格指数(national home price index),一个20城综合指数(20-city composite index),一个10城综合指数(10-city composite index),以及20个单独的都会房价指数(metro area indices)。


The OECD gave the thumbs up to Donald Trump’s plan to boost infrastructure spending, saying it would boost America’s economy, which is projected to grow by 2.3% next year, well above the 1.5% forecast for this year. But the organisation also warned that “an increase in protectionism could risk impairing already weak growth in global trade”.


Meanwhile, America’s economic growth rate in the third quarter was revised to an annualised 3.2%, up from an initial estimate of 2.9%. Consumer spending was stronger than had been thought. Rising workers’ incomes also helped.


Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England, warned about the increasing level of household debt in Britain. The debt-to-income ratio is the highest since 2013. Unsecured debt accounts for a bigger chunk of this. The share of high loan-to-value mortgages (those greater than 90%) has nearly doubled since 2012. Over that same four-year period outstanding credit-card loans rose by £10bn ($15bn), hitting £66bn in October.

英格兰银行行长Mark Carney发出警告说,英国目前家庭负债呈上升状态。负债收入比达到自2013年以来的最高值。在所有家庭债务中,无担保债务占据了绝大部分比例。而贷款价值比例较高的(大于90%)按揭抵押贷款自2012年以来几乎翻了一倍。而在同样的4年内,未偿还的信用卡贷款额增加了100亿英镑(150亿美元),于10月份攀升至660亿英镑。

A suspected cyber-attack caused almost 1m customers of Deutsche Telekom to lose their broadband connection. Hackers are thought to have targeted households’ internet routers with a software virus that disrupted their service. The code for the virus has been used before in other attacks on devices that retain the same passwords issued by their manufacturers.


Split personalities


The European Court of Justice began hearing legal arguments about whether Uber is a transportation firm or a digital service. The closely watched case has been taken to the EU’s highest court by Barcelona’s established taxi drivers, who, like taxi drivers the world over, complain that Uber has muscled into their market by circumventing local transport regulations. Uber says it is an “information-society services provider”.


:欧洲法院(英文版欧盟条约里正式名称:Court of Justice。一般为了辨识,会加个官方所无的形容词:European Court of Justice。)根据欧盟法律为欧洲联盟的最高法院,掌理一般案件的法律审上诉,以及特殊案件的一审。作为欧盟法院的一部分,其负有解释欧盟法律和确保其在各欧盟会员国间能被平等适用的任务。


Pilots at Lufthansa went on strike again, causing the German airline to cancel thousands of flights. A dispute between management and cockpit and cabin crews over pay and conditions has dragged on for years. The strikes cost Lufthansa up to €15m ($16m) each day they are held. Siemens, an engineering company, this week called on both sides to reach an agreement because the strife was damaging Germany’s image.


:德国汉莎航空集团是一家居于世界领先地位的航空运输公司。 它由 400 多家子公司和附属公司组成,其业务面极为广泛,包括旅客业务、物流、修理和检修、餐饮、休闲旅行和 IT 服务。汉莎航空公司的总部设在科隆。 其客运和货运服务的经营中心位于法兰克福。 德国境内主要枢纽机场有慕尼黑、柏林和汉堡。 在 2004 年 12 月,汉莎航空公司为其尊贵客户制定了一项独特计划。 从起航时的多种地上人性化服务至机上的特殊短程运输服务,法兰克福专用终点站使得汉莎航空公司的飞行体验更加舒适和惬意。


In a surprise move, India’s central bank ordered the country’s banks to transfer what amounts to half the cash deposited with them since the withdrawal of 500- and 1,000- rupee banknotes to its reserves. (读者试译) As people rush to beat a year-end deadline to deposit the notes in accounts, the banks have used their newfound wealth to buy bonds, unsettling the central bank’s inflation hawks.

(期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的读者试译详解哟~) 由于人们争先恐后地想赶在年底最后期限前将钞票存入账户中,而银行拿这些新存入的资金去买了债券,使央行的“通胀鹰派”(通货膨胀的坚定反对者)人士感到不安。

Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, a distressed Italian bank, took the first step in its recapitalisation plan by offering to swap €4.3bn ($4.6bn) in subordinated bonds for equity. The bank is trying to raise capital amid uncertainty about the outcome of Italy’s constitutional referendum on December 4th. If the government loses the vote, Italy’s banks are likely to be hit hard in the markets.


翻译 ▍ 栏目二第六组

审核 椰子

编辑 ▍ 毛毛

Try to translate
