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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-23 10:08


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,过去一周,越南热轧卷进口市场大幅上涨,供应商不断推高价格。

TheVietnamese hot rolled coil import market has surged with suppliers pushing forever-higher prices during the past week, Kallanish notes.


The quickrun-up in the market has resulted in traders reporting a range of prices,probably due to some delays in information dissemination or the talking up ofthe market by some bullish participants.

据越南和地区贸易商报告,周四越南几家大型再轧厂以 585 美元 / cfr 的价格从一家中国钢厂订购了 4 万吨 2-2.5mm 厚度 SAE 1006 热轧卷货物。 11 16 日,一家热门中国钢厂的 1 万吨 2-2.5mm 厚度 SAE 1006 热轧卷以 580 美元 / cfr 越南的价格从成交。这两批货物均为 2 月船期。

Severallarge re-rollers in Vietnam ordered a 40,000-tonne cargo of 2-2.5mmSAE 1006 HRC from a Chinese mill at $585/tonne cfr on Thursday, Vietnameseand regional traders report. On 16 November, 10,000t of 2-2.5mmthickness SAE 1006 HRC from a popular Chinese mill was ordered at $580/t cfrVietnam. Both cargoes are for February shipment.

周五,来自中国的 SAE 1006 热轧卷报价大多上涨至 585-590 美元 / cfr 越南,较前一周上涨约 20 美元 / 吨。

Offers forSAE 1006 HRC from China mostly rose to $585-590/t cfr Vietnam on Friday,up by around $20/t from the previous week.

据中国贸易人士称,周三,一家中国一线钢厂的 100% 2mm 厚度 SAE 1006 热轧卷报价为 580 美元 / fob 。但一位地区贸易商在周五表示,该厂对 2 月船期的报价在 600 美元 / cfr ,“……本周都是如此”。一家日本钢厂将 2mm 厚度 SAE 1006 热轧卷报价上调至 640 美元 / cfr 越南,较前一周上涨 40 美元 / 吨。

A tier 1Chinese mill was heard on Wednesday to be offering its 100% 2mm thicknessSAE 1006 HRC at $580/t fob, Chinese trading sources report. But a regionaltrader said on Friday the mill’s offers, for February shipment, were at$600/t cfr for "…all this week." A Japanese mill raised itsoffer for 2mm thickness SAE 1006 HRC to $640/t cfr Vietnam, upby $40/t from the previous week.

一家中国贸易商在周四对 2mm 及以上厚度 SAE 1006 热轧卷的报价为 587 美元 / cfr 越南, 3.8mm-11.8mm 厚度 SS400 热轧卷报价为 585 美元 / cfr 。这些报价为 1 月底船期,产地为中国、印度或韩国,具体不限。

A Chinesetrader was offering on Thursday 2mm and up SAE 1006 HRC at $587/t cfr Vietnamand 3.8mm-11.8mm thickness SS400 HRC at $585/t cfr. These offers are forend-January shipment from unspecified origins of either China, India and SouthKorea.

一位越南贸易商在周四收到一份中国原产的 3.8mm 及以上厚度 SS400 热轧卷报价, 2 月船期,价格为 570 美元 / cfr 越南。“库存水平低,但买家还没有准备好还盘,”他在周五表示。

A Vietnamesetrader received an offer Thursday for Chinese-origin 3.8mm andup SS400 HRC for February shipment at $570/t cfr Vietnam. "Stocks are lowbut buyers are not yet ready to give bids," he said on Friday.

印度贸易人士称,印度钢厂在越南没有报价,因为其他市场利润更高,包括中东和欧洲。一位地区贸易商称,印度热轧卷主流价格在 590-595 美元 / cfr 中东。他补充说:“市场火爆”。

There are nooffers from India in Vietnam because of better-paying markets elsewhere,including the Middle East and Europe, Indian trading sources say. Indian HRCprices are prevailing at $590-595/t cfr Middle East, a regional trader says."The market is on fire," he adds.
