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推广| 从小学至高中,这所学校提供完整连贯的IB课程体系

外滩教育  · 公众号  · 教育  · 2019-01-28 07:00


上海西华外籍人员子女学校作为中国大陆第一所完整国际文凭课程的国际学校,被授权提供完整的国际文凭连贯课程(小学项目,中学项目,高中文凭项目和职业相关项目)。西华为学生探索激情和追求梦想提供了理想的环境。我们的校训是 “启迪思想,塑造未来” ,我们对国际文凭及其项目的承诺有助于我们将这一理念付诸于日常实践。


在国际文凭学校,学生被鼓励通过动态的质询,行动和反思循环来探索和构建自己的个人和文化身份。这种基于探究的学习建立在学生的个人知识和兴趣基础之上,并强调学习如何去学习和发现。学习变得富有生趣,密切关联,富有挑战,并且会针对课堂里每位学习者特定的需求因材施教。这和我们很多人曾经经历过的学生坐成一排,而老师“下达”指导式的传统教育方式完全不同。 西华国际文凭小学项目(PYP)的学生们每天都在学习中体验这种探究式循环。




在西华,我们骄傲地提供职业相关项目(IBCP)。IBCP秉承着IB的愿景和教育原则,专门为希望从事职业相关学习的同学们发展成一个独特的项目。这种灵活的框架使得我们能够满足众多求学者不同的需求,背景以及经历。职业相关技能的学生们加入他们真正感兴趣的,课程严谨的学习项目中,同时获得触类旁通的,终生受益的技能。 西华目前提供三个职业方向:舞台艺术,体育,和艺术与设计。


国际文凭组织使命的核心是通过跨文化理解和尊重创造“一个更美好,更和平的世界”,并”鼓励世界各地的学生成为积极,富有同情心和终身学习者,他们懂得其他人,尽管和我们有很多差异,也可能是正确的”。学生必须完成服务和行动部分,这些部分是IB课程的组成部分。这样的机会很多,比如我们的周六学校,整个西华社区(学生,老师和家长)聚集在一起,在一整个 学年里发挥出或大或小的作用。




As the first and only full continuum IB World School in mainland China, authorized to offer the full IB continuum (Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme, Diploma Programme, and the Career-related Programme) The Western International School of Shanghai (WISS) provides the ideal environment for students to explore their passions and pursue their dreams. Our motto is, “ Inspiring minds to shape the future ” and our commitment to the IB and its programmes helps us to put this into action every day.

Inquiry, Action and Reflection

In IB schools, students are encouraged to explore and construct their own personal and cultural identities through dynamic cycles of inquiry, action and reflection. This inquiry-based learning is built on students' individual knowledge and interests, and emphasizes learning how to learn and find out. Learning is engaging, relevant, challenging, and differentiated for the specific needs of each learner within the classroom. This is not the traditional education so many of us experienced where students sit in rows while the teacher “delivers” instruction. Students in the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) at WISS experience this inquiry cycle in their learning every day.

Balanced and Rigorous Curriculum

The IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) is globally recognized curriculum and known for its rigor. IBO surveys consistently report that the acceptance rate of IB students into top ranked universities is typically higher acceptance rate than the total population acceptance rate. Universities understand that to complete the IBDP with a good score, students must demonstrate consistent hard work and dedication. Here at WISS, we watch with pride as our IBDP students graduate and go off to attend top-ranked the universities around the world in a variety of fields.
