圆桌论坛:自然语言与深度学习结合趋势? 中国与全球人工智能未来?
Round Table Forum:the combination of natural language and deep learning?The Future of AI in China and the World
C&A创新管理咨询公司 总裁
北卡州立大学理学院 终身教授
【Host】Dr.Lian Xie
President, C&A innovation management consulting
Professor, North Carolina State University and President,Carolina-China Friendship Association
Lucid人工智能公司CEO/美国奥斯汀人工智能协会创始人 Michael Stewart
威斯敏斯特大学科学教育研究所所长 、谷歌眼镜设计者 Dr. Phillip Alvelda
百度云大数据和人工智能首席架构师 张发恩
微软(亚洲)互联网工程院资深总监 曹文韬
乐得资本(美国) 董事合伙人 盛明慧
Michael E.Stewart
Chairman/CEO of Lucid /Founder of Austen Institute for artificial intelligence
Dr.Phillip Alvelda
Chairman, West minister Institute for Science Education and Founder of Cortical.Ai,Google eyewear Designer
Zhang Faen Chief Architect of AI and Big Data of Baidu Cloud
Wentao Cao Senior Director of Microsoft(Asia), Internet Academy