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【英文版】Illustrations break the spell on Algorithm

图灵访谈  · 公众号  · 科技媒体  · 2017-03-31 14:29









Adit Bhargava, 软件工程师,兼具计算机科学和美术方面的教育背景,在 adit.io 撰写编程方面的博客。

因为爱好,Adit踏入了编程殿堂。 Visual Basic 6 for Dummies 教会了他很多基础知识,但始终对算法没搞明白。直到遇到一位优秀的算法教授后,他才认识到这些概念是多么地简单且优雅。



  • 为什么要写这样一本萌萌的算法入门书

  • 封面插画背后的故事

  • Adit神秘的算法导师

  • Adit最喜欢的算法

  • 评判算法的重要指标

  • 编程学习低龄化

Why would you like to write such an introductory book, which is full of fascinating scenarios and cute illustrations drawn by hand?

I usually take notes for myself when I learn something, because it helps me learn. For example here are the notes I'm taking as I read "A Book Of Abstract Algebra" (attached). So this was a technique I had used in the past, and I thought others might find it useful also. So I wrote this blog post . People liked it and it made me think that a book with the same style would probably do pretty well too.

Let's enjoy Adit's explanation of Monad in pictures!

学习 Monad的渠道:

  • 取得计算机科学专业的博士学位。

  • 压根儿不学。这里根本用不到那些条条框框!

Functor 将一个普通函数应用到被封装的值上:

Applicative 将一个封装的函数应用到封装的值上:

Monad 将一个 “接受普通值并回传一个被封装值” 的函数应用到一个被封装的值上,这一任务由函数 >>= (读作 bind)完成。听起来似乎很拗口,让我们来看个例子吧,还是熟悉的 Maybe

假设 half 是只对偶数感兴趣的函数:

half x = if even x       
     then Just (x `div` 2)
     else Nothing

如果扔给 half 一个封装的值会怎样?

这时,我们需要用 >>= 把被封装的值挤到 half 中。猜猜 >>= 的照片:


> Just 3 >>= half 
> Just 4 >>= half 
Just 2 
> Nothing >>= half 

这其中究竟发生了什么?Monad 是另一种类型类,这是它定义的一部分:

class Monad m where 
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

下图展示了 >>= 各个参数的意义:

下面的定义让 Maybe 成了 Monad:

instance Monad Maybe where
    Nothing >>= func = Nothing
    Just val >>= func  = func val

来看看执行 Just 3 时发生了什么:

如果传入 Nothing 就更容易了:

你还可以把这些调用过程连起来,比如执行 Just 20 >>= half >>= half >>= half 会得到 Nothing


(Taken from Adit's article Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures

From the book cover, I thought it might be full of hand-drawn illustrations about mice. It seems not, for there’re other images like sheep, birds, rabbits, diagrams. Why would you put that picture in front of the book?

I wish I had a good answer for you! The people at Manning chose the picture on the cover. Manning was generally good about giving me a lot of control over the book, but for the cover, they really fell in love with this image and chose to use it.
