播客一词诞生于2004年,是由“iPod”和“Broadcasting”两个词拆分结合而来。简单来说是一种用户自行生产的在线音频内容。2014年芝加哥电台《This American Life》旗下的罪案类非虚构节目《Serial》一炮而红,成功将播客带入大众视野。如今播客在国外发展较为成熟,内容形式广泛,涉及叙事类、新闻调查类、虚构类、真实犯罪类等,用户基数庞大、商业变现模式清晰。作为舶来品,播客目前在国内比较小众,众多音频平台都瞅准了这条人迹罕至的小道,摩拳擦掌抢占先机。那么,你听过播客吗?
Podcasts got
their name 20 years ago this month
A once-fringe
medium has gone mainstream, but many wonder what the future holds
In February 2004 Ben Hammersley, a British journalist,
noticed a new kind of digital media: “downloadable radio” produced by geeky
amateurs or public broadcasters. Mr Hammersley suggested a few names for it.
Fortunately “audioblogging” and “GuerillaMedia” did not catch on. But a third
did: podcasting, a
of “iPod” and “broadcasting”.
At a tech conference the next year, Steve Jobs, Apple’s
boss, asked how many people in the audience had heard of podcasting, which he
described as “‘Wayne’s World’ for radio”. Not a single person raised their
But today, 20 years after they got their name, podcasts are mainstream. Around 43% of American internet users and 30% of Britons listen to at least one a month (including some from The Economist).
You can open Apple, Spotify and, increasingly, YouTube to find some 4m shows by everyone from ex-convicts to duchesses. Podcasting has turned anyone with a microphone into a talking head who can talk straight into people’s earbuds.
你可以打开 Apple 播客、Spotify 以及越来越多地从 YouTube 上找到大约400万个节目,主播形形色色,从公爵夫人到前科犯什么人都有。有了播客,只要有麦克风,你就能成为在别人耳机里说话的主播。
Like butt-dialling and doom-scrolling, the podcasting
boom was facilitated by the smartphone. The iPhone was released in 2007; the
first standalone podcast apps came out between 2010 and 2012.
和不小心自动拨出了电话以及狂刷坏消息停不下来这些现象一样,这股播客繁荣也是智能手机带来的结果。iPhone 于2007年发布,而第一个独立的播客应用出现在2010年到2012年之间。
In 2014 “Serial”, a binge-worthy investigation into the botched murder trial of a teenager in Maryland, arrived; it was the first show to gain attention in mainstream American culture. (The first season has been downloaded more than 300m times.) The number of monthly podcast listeners in America doubled in the five years after 2014.
Since “Serial”, podcasting has been in a
“hyper-charged, hyper-capitalist, hyper-speculative period”, says Nicholas
Quah, a podcast critic. Tech companies
swooped in
, such as Spotify, which was
hungry for new customers and audio content it could have royalty-free. (Spotify
has invested $1bn in podcasting since 2018.)
播客评论家尼古拉斯·奎阿说,自《连载》出现以来,播客便处于“高度兴奋、高度资本主义、高度投机的时期”。科技公司蜂拥而至,比如渴望获得新客户和免版税音频内容的 Spotify。(自2018年以来,Spotify 已在播客上投资了10亿美元。)
But last year—cue the “record scratch” sound effect—the
music stopped. Economic headwinds were one factor. But advertisers and
investors also realised that they know relatively little about how many people
actually listen to podcasts: “downloads”, the standard industry metric for
engagement, do not always equate to listening.
200 podcasting jobs; others followed suit. Many well-regarded shows were cancelled, including “Stolen”, which won the Pulitzer prize for audio journalism in 2023. Podcasters learned that “excellence won’t save you”, says Neil Verma, a media-studies scholar.
Spotify 在播客部门裁员200人,其他公司也纷纷效仿。许多备受好评的节目被取消,包括2023年获得普利策音频报道奖的《被盗》。媒体研究学者尼尔·维尔马表示,播客主播们认识到“节目做得棒并不能拯救你”。
Although producers are struggling to turn a profit,
podcasting is in the ascendant. Advertising spending and listening time are
predicted to rise. But the medium “is growing in a direction that is hard for a
lot of the podcast originalists to accept”, says Ariel Shapiro, who writes Hot
Pod, an industry newsletter.
What does the future hold? Some think the future of
podcasting lies in video. Many podcasts, including a talk show hosted by Joe Rogan, the most popular podcast globally,
now employ video to increase their audience. “We will be watching podcasts, we
will be skipping chapters of podcasts, and you will be commenting on them at
the end,” predicts Will Page, Spotify’s former chief economist.
未来会怎样?有些人认为播客的未来要走向视频。包括乔·罗根主持的全球最受欢迎的脱口秀在内的许多播客现在都用视频来吸引更多听众。“我们会观看播客,跳过它们的一些章节,在结尾处发表评论。”Spotify 的前首席经济学家威尔·佩奇预测说。
Betting that some people want visual entertainment
while listening, Spotify started supporting video podcasts in 2020. Already the
black microphone icon has become
on YouTube and TikTok, functioning
as a visual signal for podcast-like straight talk. Video will help podcasts’
further spread; rarely does audio alone go viral.
Spotify 认定有些人想在听节目的同时享受视觉娱乐,从2020年开始支持视频播客。在 YouTube 和 TikTok 上,黑色麦克风图标已经无处不在,表明这是像播客那样畅所欲言的视频节目。视频将有助于播客的进一步传播;单靠音频很少能大火。
Whatever happens to the industry, its impact on audio storytelling
will endure. Podcasts offer something traditional formats often work hard to
leave out, but which, as trust in media has fallen, audiences crave:
transparency. Instead of formal interviews, listeners get sprawling conversations.
Instead of radio features measured in minutes, listeners are led through whole investigations over hours. “In exposing the vulnerabilities of the reportorial process, the news product becomes more credible and trustworthy,” writes David Dowling in “Podcast Journalism”, a forthcoming book. Podcasts often set out to explain things—and they always end up explaining themselves.
] n. 混合的;混成的