专栏名称: TensorFlow(微博搜索)
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TensorFlow(微博搜索)  · 微博搜索  ·  · 2024-02-19 00:00


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价值投资日志 终端品牌方面,PC厂商侧重图片及视频会议相关AI功能,并绑定关键部件软硬件供应商

HP和Lenovo都在其AI PC上预装了常用的机器学习和深度学习框架,如TensorFlow(编程系统)、PyTorch(Python机器学习库)等。这些框架使得用户可以轻松地开发和部署AI应用。Lenovo的AI Now是一款个人AI助理,旨在为用户提供个性化的互动体验;Dell、Asus和Acer等其他品牌也纷纷推出了具备高性能和AI技术的新产品,为用户带来了全新的使用体验。这些品牌与CPU、GPU厂商以及ISV(Independent Software Vendors )等软硬件厂商展开深度合作,共同开发了一系列相关功能,进一步提升了产品的性能和智能化水平。这些AI PC不仅优化了图文创作和办公场景,还扩展了应用领域,为不同需求的用户提供了更加高效、便捷的解决方案。 #投资# 深圳·澳门威尼斯酒店
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現在有open source的AI可以免費使用。專門訓練屬於你自己的AI為你給意見、預測銷量,讓你可以做出更好更適合你的事業發展的重要決定。

open source AI:
TensorFlow is a flexible, extensible learning framework that supports programming languages like Python and Javascript. TensorFlow allows programmers to construct and deploy machine learning models across various platforms and devices. Its robust community support and extensive library of pre-built models and tools streamline the development process, making it easier for beginners and experienced practitioners to innovate and experiment with AI.
PyTorch is an open-source AI framework offering an intuitive interface that enables easier debugging and a more flexible approach to building deep learning models. Its strong integration with Python libraries and support for GPU acceleration ensures efficient model training and experimentation. It is a popular choice among researchers and developers for rapid software development prototyping and AI and deep learning research.
Keras, an open-source neural network library written in Python, is known for its user-friendliness and modularity, allowing for easy and fast prototyping of deep learning models. It stands out for its high-level API, which is intuitive for beginners while remaining flexible and powerful for advanced users, making it a popular choice for educational purposes and complex deep-learning tasks.
Scikit-learn is a powerful open-source Python library for machine learning and predictive data analysis. Providing scalable supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms, it has been instrumental in the AI systems of major companies like J.P. Morgan and Spotify. Its simple setup, reusable components and large, active community make it accessible and efficient for data mining and analysis across various contexts.
