专栏名称: 今日佳音
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今日佳音  · 公众号  · 基督教  · 2017-12-20 12:23




制作:每日箴言 | 诵读:楚云 | 片头:张妙阳

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Trusting Hezekiah

“希西家倚靠耶和华以色列的神,在他前后的犹大列王中没有一个及他的。” - 王下 18:5

"Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him." — 2 Kings 18:5


以赛亚在描述从耶西的树墩必生出枝条时,描写了一个真实良善的王:“耶和华的灵必住在他身上......公义必当他的腰带,信实必当他胁下的带子。”(以赛亚书 11:2, 5)如果有任何以色列的王能配得上这样的描述的话,或许就是希西家了。在以色列和犹大的众多君王中,没有哪个王——甚至是大卫王——比他更仁义。

Describing the shoot that would come from the stump of Jesse, Isaiah portrayed a good and true king: "The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him... Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist" (Isaiah 11:2, 5). If any king of Israel matched that description, perhaps it was Hezekiah. In the long line of the kings of Israel and Judah, no one else—not even David—was a more righteous king.


Why? Because Hezekiah trusted God and, like a shield clutched to his chest, he held fast to the Lord. Even in perilous situations, like when powerful Assyrian enemy seemed invincible, Hezekiah never doubted God's ability to protect his people and save them.


From the Assyrians in Hezekiah's time, to the Romans in Jesus' time, to the superpowers of our world today, no one is as powerful as the Lord our God. All of the victories God has provided point to one sure and certain victory, the victory we long for in this Advent season, the final victory of our King Jesus over the powers and principalities of this world. That is the victory we long to celebrate with cries of "Hallelujah! Our God reigns!"


Come, Lord Jesus, and show the nations and powers of this world that you are God alone.



You alone, God, rule this world. We long for the day when we can sing, "Joy to the world, the Lord has come!" Come quickly, Lord Jesus! In your name, Amen.
