专栏名称: ioncology
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干细胞国际谈丨剑桥大学Simón Méndez-Ferrer教授分享骨髓微环境调控与髓系恶性肿瘤治疗新策略

ioncology  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-08 18:00




2024年第九届国际干细胞论坛(IFSC)聚焦于干细胞基础研究、再生医学、细胞治疗以及临床研究指南的应用,汇集了来自世界各地的专家学者,共同探讨科学发现和技术进步的最新前沿。会议期间,《血液时讯》特邀 剑桥大学Simón Méndez-Ferrer教授 从微环境调节角度分享改善髓系恶性肿瘤治疗的关键路径。现将精粹整理成文,以飨读者。




Simón Méndez-Ferrer教授: 实际上,当科研人员开始专注于骨髓微环境这一新的研究视角时,情况变得格外引人关注。血液病的根源可能并非直接源自突变细胞本身,而是微环境细胞在其中的潜在作用,特别是它们是否对非造血细胞产生了影响,进而诱发了一系列变化。这些变化的形式多种多样,其中在血液系统恶性肿瘤伴随生殖系突变的情况下,会涉及突变分子的表达;而在其他情况下,则仅表现为非造血细胞内的变化。




Hematology Frontier: Myeloid malignancies are clonal disorders of the progenitor cells or hematopoietic stem cells. Could you discuss how cells in the bone marrow microenvironment influence the progression of these diseases and how we can use this knowledge to improve treatment strategies?

Professor Simón Méndez-Ferrer: So actually, it was quite striking when people started examining the possibility that the cells that are not the mutant cells responsible for hematological diseases, but rather, the microenvironmental cells, might play a role in generating alterations in non-hematopoietic cells. These alterations were of different types, expressing molecules that were mutated in the case of germline mutations during hematological malignancies. But in other cases, they simply represented alterations in non-hematopoietic cells. And it was striking that in most of these experiments, the mouse models developed a type of disease that resembled myeloproliferative neoplasms. This suggests an important role for non-hematopoietic cells in the development of these diseases. This observation was made many years ago. Subsequently, researchers began to investigate which cells might be more important compared to others and found evidence that the niche could be an oncogenic inducer for the development of these malignancies.

However, most of the evidence for the role of the microenvironment actually stems from the consequences of mutations in hematopoietic cells, whereby the microenvironment becomes altered and stops functioning properly to support hematopoiesis, instead promoting the development of malignancy.

The alteration of the microenvironment can develop over many years. Some of these mutations are now detectable even before birth. Yet, patients typically manifest the disease associated with aging. Clearly, many factors are involved in the overall environment over the years that may contribute to the onset and progression of the disease. Therefore, now that this disease can be detected quite early, there is an opportunity for intervention and prevention of damage to the microenvironment, which may impede disease progression or enhance treatment effectiveness once the disease has developed.




Simón Méndez-Ferrer教授: 一项引人注目的发现揭示,造血微环境已经失去了对驱动这些疾病进程的突变克隆扩增的有效控制能力。实际上,在诸如骨髓增殖性肿瘤等疾病中,我们观察到疾病的表现形式具有多样性,其扩展或突变克隆的增殖程度各不相同,并且在某些情况下,可能会进一步恶化,对患者的健康状况构成更大的威胁。




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