专栏名称: 传媒学术网
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【出版】Chinese Journal of Communication:2024年第3期

传媒学术网  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2024-09-06 22:00


Research Articles

Feeling ambivalent while using instant messaging: a value-motive-experience framework comparing maximizers and social groomers
Chingching Chang

Pro-liberalism vs. Nationalism: how critical opinion leaders challenge the persuasive effect of propaganda in China
Yating Pan & Zhan Shu

Who politicized the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter: cultural identity and Chinese prejudice in a virtual community
Yanfang Wu

When politics meets dating: how moral concern, utopianism, and communication competence predict willingness to date across the political divide
Lik Sam Chan

Communicating LGBTQ-supportive CSR for corporate legitimacy: a cultural discourse analysis in Hong Kong
Mike H. Y. Chan & Angela K. Y. Mak

Equivalence framing and its effects on truth judgments: evidence from China
Shun Yao & Huailiang Li

Book Reviews

The digital silk road: China’s quest to wire the world and win the future
By Jonathan E. Hillman, New York, Harper Business, 2021, US $19.98 (hardcover), 368 pp
Jiarui Wu

Chinese antitrust exceptionalism: How the rise of China challenges global regulation
By A ngela H uyue Z hang , Oxford University Press, 2021, £32.99 (hardcover), 270 pp
Chi Kwok