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英文早点 | 1003_白宫欲禁止中国公司在美上市,美财政部:没有的事儿~

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2019-10-03 07:03



特朗普政府正在考虑将中概股从美国证券交易所除牌,同时禁止美国政府退休基金在中国市场的投资。消息传出后,道琼斯指数9月27日一度下跌0.6%,标普500下跌1%,纳斯达克综合指数下跌1.6%。收盘,三大股指分别跌0.3%、0.5%和1.1%。目前有159家中国公司在美国上市,总市值约为1.1万亿美元。相关消息爆出后,阿里巴巴一度下跌5.15%,京东下跌5.95% ,百度跌幅3.67%。据路透社、巴伦周刊、美国政治新闻网等多家媒体27日报道,三名知情人士称,特朗普政府正在考虑强制要求在美国上市的中国公司符合所有美国审核要求,否则将让中概股在美股退市。正当美国白宫考虑剔除中概股的消息大肆传扬之际,剧情似乎发生了反转。据彭博社最新报道,美国财政部官员声称,目前没有计划阻止中国企业在美国交易所上市。


Now that you are ignorant, don't be ashamed to learn.


White House Weighs Blocking Chinese Companies From U.S. Exchanges

The Trump administration is discussing whether to block Chinese companies from listing shares on American stock exchanges, the latest push to try to sever economic ties between the United States and China, according to people familiar with the deliberations. The internal discussions are in their early stages and no decision is imminent, these people cautioned.

Last week, the Treasury Department unveiled new regulations detailing how a 2018 law, the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act, will work to prevent foreign firms from using investments like minority stakes to capture sensitive American information. And the United States has already blacklisted some Chinese companies, including Huawei, effectively barring them from doing business with American companies.

Stocks dropped on Friday after a report on the deliberations was published by Bloomberg News. The market continued to slide through most of the day. Losses were particularly steep in the technology sector, and among semiconductor stocks, two parts of the market that have been sensitive to the latest updates on the economic tensions between China and the United States.

选自 :The New York Times(纽约时报)

作者 :Alan Rappeport and Ana Swanson

原文标题 :White House Weighs Blocking Chinese Companies From U.S. Exchanges

原文发布时间 :29 Sept. 2019


早起卡 ☞ 既然你是无知,就不要惭愧学习。

翻译卡 ☞ 美国政府考虑禁止中国公司在美国交易所上市




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