专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-25 09:14


在截至 1 20 日的一个月里,伊朗半成品材出口进一步加速,而成品钢材表观消费增长保持平稳。

Iranian semi-finished products exportsaccelerated further in the month through 20 January, while apparent finishedsteel consumption growth remained flat.

Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,伊朗钢铁工业协会的数据显示,在截至 1 20 日的 10 个月里,伊朗的半成品材出口量较上年同期增长 47% ,达到 582 万吨。相比之下,前 9 个月的增幅为 38% 。方坯和板坯出口量分别增长 63% 18% ,达到 410 万吨和 173 万吨。前 9 个月的增幅分别为 54% 12%

In the ten months through 20 January semisshipments abroad surged 47% on-year to 5.82 million tonnes, according toIranian Steel Producers Association data monitored by Kallanish . Thiscompared to 38% growth after nine months. Billet and slab exports rose 63% and18% respectively to 4.1mt and 1.73mt. This was up from 54% and 12% growthrespectively after nine months.

上述 10 个月的成品钢材出口量增长 25% 298 万吨,前 9 个月增幅为 27%

Ten-month finished steel exports rose 25%to 2.98mt, slowing from 27% growth after nine months.

长材出口量增长 36% 227 万吨,较前 9 个月 41% 的增幅进一步放缓。螺纹钢出口量增长 49% 192 万吨,前 9 个月增幅为 55% 。型材出口量下降 25% 15.7 万吨,前 9 个月降幅为 26%

Long products exports grew 36% to 2.27mt;however, this growth slowed further from 41% after nine months. Rebar shipmentsincreased 49% – versus 55% after nine months – to 1.92mt. Sections exports fell-25% – versus -26% – to 157,000t.

板材出口量下降 2% 71.3 万吨,前 9 个月降幅为 4% 。热轧卷出口量下降 15% 46.7 万吨,前 9 个月降幅为 20% 。冷轧卷出口量飙升 244% 11 万吨,前 9 个月增幅为 267%

Flat products exports fell -2% to713,000t, although this was compared to a -4% decline after nine months. Hotrolled coil exports fell -15% – recovering from -20% – to 467,000t. Cold rolledcoil shipments soared 244% – versus 267% – to 110,000t.

上述 10 个月成品钢材表观消费量同比持平,为 1,275 万吨。热轧卷消费量增幅保持在 3% ,为 652 万吨,而螺纹钢消费量下降 3% 491 万吨,前 9 个月降幅为 2%

Finished steel apparent consumption wasflat on-year in the ten months at 12.75mt. HRC use growth remained at 3%,resulting in 6.52mt, while rebar use fell -3% – versus -2% – to 4.91mt.

上述 10 个月的成品钢材进口量下降 55% 39.6 万吨,前 9 个月降幅为 46%

Ten-month imports of finished steel fell-55% to 396,000t. After nine months they had fallen -46%.

同时,伊朗直接还原铁出口量在上述 10 个月里增长 76% 88.6 万吨,消费量增长 6% 2,281 万吨,产量增长 8% 2,369 万吨。相比之下,前 9 个月的增幅分别为 91% 6% 8%

Iranian direct reduced iron exports,meanwhile, rose 76% in the ten months to 886,000t, with consumption up 6% to22.81mt and production up 8% to 23.69mt. This compared to nine-month growth of91%, 6% and 8% respectively.

尽管球团矿产量下降 2% 3,437 万吨,消费量下降 3% 3,195 万吨,但出口量仍增长 19% 242 万吨。

Iron ore pellet exports grew 19% to 2.42mt,despite a -2% output drop to 34.37mt, as consumption fell -3% to 31.95mt.

铁精矿出口量增长 2% 358 万吨,产量增长 3% 3,934 万吨,消费量增长 3% 3,576 万吨。

Iron ore concentrate exports rose 2% to3.58mt, with output up 3% to 39.34mt and use up 3% to 35.76mt.



Asia Steel Markets 2020(已延期)

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
