专栏名称: 汉坤律师事务所
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交易丨汉坤为Karl Lagerfeld大中华区业务整体出售提供全程法律服务

汉坤律师事务所  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-08-22 18:52


2017年8月18日,香港曹其锋家族与七匹狼(股票代码:002029)就Karl Lagerfeld品牌大中华区(大陆、香港、澳门、台湾、新加坡)业务的整体出售在香港举行签约仪式。交割完成后,七匹狼将通过其香港子公司持有Karl Lagerfeld Greater China Holdings Limited 80.1%的股权,成为Karl Lagerfeld业务在大中华的实际控制方,间接享有Karl Lagerfeld商标在大中华区享有永久独占许可使用权。

Karl Lagerfeld是源于法国巴黎的设计师品牌,品牌产品的创意设计至今仍由Karl先生亲自管控。Karl Lagerfeld本人目前仍担任Chanel、Fendi的首席设计师,被誉为时尚界的教父,并在中国被尊称为“老佛爷”。


Han Kun Represents Karl Lagerfeld in the Sale of its Greater China Business

On August 18, 2017, the signing ceremony for the sale of the Karl Lagerfeld brand in Greater China (mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Singapore) between the Chou family and Septwolves (SZSE: 002029) was held in Hong Kong.  After the closing, Septwolves will, through its wholly-owned Hong Kong subsidiary, hold 80.1% of the issued and outstanding shares of Karl Lagerfeld Greater China Holdings Limited, making it the de facto controller of the Karl Lagerfeld brand in Greater China and the indirect holder of the perpetual and exclusive right to use the Karl Lagerfeld trademarks in Greater China.

Karl Lagerfeld is a designer brand from Paris, France.  The brand remains under the creative direction of Mr. Karl Lagerfeld, who is regarded as the godfather of fashion and is also the head designer for Chanel and Fendi.

As the seller’s legal counsel, Han Kun provided full legal services for the deal, including selecting a financial advisor, identifying potential buyers, designing the transaction, and drafting and negotiating the transaction documents.


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