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【卫报】野外间谍 | 第二期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-01-22 06:03


BBC series uses robot creatures to document secret lives of animals


Esther Addley | 763 words

Esther Addley |763个单词

A chimpanzee points at the lens in a forthcoming episode of Spy in the Wild. 

What does a newly hatched crocodile see while it is being transported to water between its mother's jaws? How should a wild dog pup behave if it wants to be accepted by an approaching pack of adults?


  • hatched 孵化(hatch的过去式和过去分词)

  • crocodile 鳄鱼

  • jaw 下颚

These and other questions will be answered in a new BBC wildlife series screening this week, in which the stars of the show are not only the animals being filmed, but the animatronic "spy creatures" used to film them.


  • Animatronic  生物机器人

Spy in the Wild is the BBC's first major natural history series since Planet Earth II, but the footage that makes up the five-part series was captured in a very different way to Sir David Attenborough's wildlife spectacular.

野外间谍是BBC自地球的脉动Ⅱ之后最主要的自然史系列,构成此系列的五部以不同的拍摄方式向大家展示了Sir David Attenborough眼中野外生命的壮丽景色。


注:Sir David Attenborough特别擅长自然记录片的编写和拍摄,曾任BBC高管,因编写和拍摄九大生命奇迹记录片而闻名世界。

Using 30 remote-controlled robotic animals, each concealing miniature cameras, programme-makers captured footage they say is among some of the most intimate and revealing to date, showing a range of animal behaviours that appear to demonstrate grief, friendship and even empathy with other species.


  • Concealing 隐形的(conceal的现在分词)

  • Miniature 微小的

  • Demonstrate 证明,展示

As well as allowing unprecedented access to the animals - including a trip between the jaws of a Ugandan Nile crocodile - the animatronic creatures were designed to interact with real-life animals in ways that at times astonished the film-makers, according to John Downer, the executive producer.

据执行总监John Downer所说,这种拍摄方式使得我们可以以史上最近的距离接触动物(包括在尼罗河鳄鱼上下颚之间溜一圈)。专门设计的生物机器人与真实动物之间的互动方式经常使制片人感到吃惊。

  • Unprecedented 没有先例的

The first episode, themed around the subject of love, includes one example. In a scene filmed with a troop of langurs living on a temple complex in Rajasthan, a robotic camera, modelled to resemble a young monkey, is believed by the troop to be a baby that has died.


  • Langurs 长尾叶猴

  • Complex 建筑群

The langurs are seen gathering en masse to surround the motionless "baby", hushing their chatter and hugging each other as if collectively grieving.


  • langur  n.叶猴

  • En masse  (法)全体地

  • grieve v.悲痛,哀悼

The series has been made for the BBC by Downer's eponymous production company, which has made previous "spy" series, including one featuring an early robotic camera concealed in a fake rock, nicknamed "bouldercam". 


  • eponymous  adj.使得名的,齐名的

The animals in the new series, developed over months by international teams of roboticists, programmers and artists, have benefitted from huge technological advances since the lumbering boulder.


A camera disguised as a prairie dog, which captures the animals' habit of "kissing" each other, was programmed with the ability to "jump-yip", a leaping motion that reinforces family bonds. 


  • disguise v.假装,隐瞒

  • prairie dog  草原土拨鼠

Similarly, "spy-pup", the wild dog camera, had to be given the ability to make a range of submissive gestures - including wagging its tail, twitching its ears and performing the respectful "play bow" - in order to win the trust of suspicious adults in the pack. The scientists who study the animals had predicted it would be ripped apart in minutes.


  • submissive  adj.顺从的

Downer would not disclose the cost of the animatronic creatures, which include a walking crocodile, several mobile tortoises and a female orangutan, but said "they are all obviously pretty expensive, because they require a massive amount of work". In the case of the more sophisticated animals, he said, this could take up to nine months of development per creature.


  • disclose  v.公开,揭露

  • tortoise n.乌龟

  • orangutan  n.猩猩

  • sophisticated  adj.复杂的,精致的

"In the last episode, which is about misbehaviour, you will see quite a few of our spy creatures destroyed," he said, including a tortoise trampled by a herd of elephants. Their greatest worry was that the creatures were not destroyed when first introduced to the animals, "because after that they are generally accepted", he added.


  • trample  v. 践踏

Ascribing human emotions to animals used to be frowned upon, said Downer, who began his career with the BBC's natural history unit, "but that's been the great change over the past decade or so".


  • Ascribe  v.归因于

  • frowned upon  不赞成,不悦

  • natural history  博物学

"You can't spend any time with animals without realising that in so much of what they do, they are so like us," he said. "That's inevitable - we are animals, so why make that big distinction? To deny it is to fly in the face of what you are seeing."


  • fly in the face of 悍然不顾

Spy in the Wild is on BBC1 on 12 January at 8pm

1月12日晚8点 BBC1:野外间谍







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