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【Invitation】Deloitte Risk Advisory Seminar

德勤Deloitte  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-10-06 17:00


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The seminar will be held in Hong Kong on 19 October 2017. You can find registration information at the end of the message.

Where there are risks, there are opportunities. 


We are all conscious of this notion, but how exactly do we exploit opportunities when risks present themselves?  Are there ways not only to avert the damage associated with risk but, at the same time, create value when managing risk?


Since 2016, specific provisions relating to risk management have been included in the Hong Kong listing rules and listed companies have been focusing on establishing basic risk governance practices.  However, the next phase in the evolution of most listed companies' risk management programs involves ensuring that the opportunities presented by risk are exploited more effectively.  This is especially the case with newly emerging risks which companies are less experienced in dealing with but which therefore provide a greater competitive edge if properly addressed.  For instance, such risks include those relating to companies' management of their third parties and to sustainability.

About this Seminar

In this seminar, our risk experts will share their insights on:

  • Best practices for building on the requirements of the Listing rules obligations for risk management, as well as trends in risks encountered 

  • How to manage third party relationships for business advantage and mutual trust

  • How to identify and manage sustainability-related risks for value creation

Event details

Date: 19 October 2017 (Thursday)


6:15 PM Registration and networking

6:45 PM Seminar & Q&A session

7:45 PM End

Venue: Deloitte China, 35/F One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong

Language: English

CPD hour: 1 hour

Fee: Free of charge


Melissa Fung

Partner | Deloitte China Risk Advisory


Hugh Gozzard

Partner | Deloitte China Risk Advisory


Hannah Routh

Partner | Deloitte China Risk Advisory

Registration & Enquiries

Please click the "Read more" at the end of this message to register. Registration is on a "first-come first-served" basis. You will receive confirmation as to whether your registration has been successful.

For event and registration details, please contact:

Sheryl Lam

Deloitte China Risk Advisory

Tel: +852 2238 7043

Email: [email protected]

Please click below "Read more" to register.