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Khouzestan Steel获得Oxin Steel控制权

Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-01-16 09:40


Khouzestan Steel (KSC) 董事总经理 AliMohammadi 表示, KSC 已经收购厚钢板生产商 Oxin Steel 60% 的股份,从而完成了生产成品钢材的价值链。该交易将在本伊朗年底 (2020 3 19 ) 之前完成。

KhouzestanSteel (KSC) has acquired a 60% stake in heavy plate producer Oxin Steel,thereby completing its value chain with the production of finished steel, saysKSC managing director Ali Mohammadi. The transactionwill be completed by the end of the Iranian year through 19 March 2020.

Oxin 拥有 105 万吨 / 年的宽厚板生产能力,其中热处理产能为 21 万吨 / 年。 KSC 是其主要的板坯供应商之一。 Oxin 最近与 Mobarakeh Steel Ahvaz PipeCompany 签署了一项协议,生产 56 英寸的 API 5L X70 管道,从而替代进口产品。

Oxin has a 1.05 million tonnes/year heavywide plate capacity, of which 210,000 t/y can be heat treated. KSC is one ofits main slab suppliers. Oxin recently signed an agreement with Mobarakeh Steel and Ahvaz Pipe Company to produce 56-inch API 5L X70 pipe, there byeliminating the need to import the product.

此前, KSC 2019 年收购了 Sanabad Industrial & Mineral DevelopmentCompany 的多数股权。该公司是一家年产 150 万吨的铁精矿和球团矿生产商。 Sanabad 的目标是将产能提高到 500 万吨 / 年。

The move follows KSC’s acquisition in 2019of a majority stake in Sanabad Industrial & Mineral Development Company,the 1.5m t/y iron ore concentrate and pellet producer. Sanabad’s aim is to increase capacity to 5m t/y.

尽管遭受美国制裁,但 KSC 预计,本伊朗年其将完成 360 万吨 / 年的粗钢生产计划。“ 200 万吨的出口优先计划是攻克全球市场和在全球钢铁企业中赢得信誉的一个标志,” Mohammadi 说。“近年来,在更严厉的制裁之后…… (KSC) 已经下定决心,将威胁转化为机遇。

Despite US sanctions, KSC expects toachieve its crude steel production plan this Iranian year of 3.6m t/y. “The 2mt export priority plan is a sign of conquering globalmarkets and gaining credit among global steel producers,” Mohammadi says. “Inrecent years, in the wake of tougher sanctions… [... KSC has] steeled itsresolve and turned the threat into an opportunity.”

在截至 2019 11 21 日的 8 个月内, KSC 生产了 251 万吨粗钢,出口 120 万吨 ( Kallanish ( 开阑商务信息咨询 ) 往期报道 )

In the eight months through 21 November2019 KSC produced 2.51mt of crude steel, exporting 1.2mt ( see Kallanish passim ).


