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每日外刊丨1015 - 让人感觉很好的内容不一定能激励你的员工?

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2020-10-15 07:00







This is the "oasis" world, where the only limit is your own imagination.


Feel-Good Messaging Won’t Always Motivate Your Employees

The idea that your actions at work contribute to the betterment of society — to help protect the environment, end poverty, or promote social justice — is an inspiring one. Recent research suggests that it can be a powerful motivator too. Indeed, the once-monolithic view of financial incentives as the way to motivate employees has been challenged by a wave of studies showing that linking people’s work to prosocial causes can motivate people in ways that transcend their paycheck or bonus.

Employees want to see themselves as good people and work on behalf of organizations that positively contribute to the world. Consequently, when their actions advance a prosocial cause, they may work harder, for longer hours, and even for less compensation. But is that actually right? We designed a field experiment find out. We randomly assigned employees to view either a prosocial (“limiting pollution”), instrumental (“limiting costs”), or mixed motive (“limiting pollution and limiting costs”) message for caring about bundling each time they access the organization’s procurement system.

To our surprise, the prosocial message was actually the least effective in changing employee behaviors — and the instrumental message was most effective. The mixed motive had less clear effects, but it tended to be in the middle.

文本选自:Harvard Business Review(哈佛商业评论)
作者:Matthew Amengual and Evan Apfelbaum
原文标题:Feel-Good Messaging Won’t Always Motivate Your Employees
原文发布时间:11 Oct. 2020


早起卡 ☞  这是“绿洲”世界,在这里唯一限制你的是你自己的想象力。


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考研斯基师兄  ·  25考研人等成绩现状,也太真实了吧!
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