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Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-03-29 15:55


1. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing



期刊:Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

专刊:Special Issue on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing







The Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing  seeks submissions for a special issue on 'Computer Architecture and High performance Computing'. We invite all participants of SBAC PAD 2016 to submit the extended full version of their presented contributions to this special issue. The submission should contain at least 50% of new content.

Papers not presented at the conference but that contribute to the Computer Architecture and High performance Computing area are also welcome, thus this is open to the HPC community worldwide.

2. Journal of Computer Science and Technology



期刊:Journal of Computer Science and Technology

专刊:Special Issue on Software Systems







Software systems have played critical roles in scientific research, business and society. Research on software systems focuses on construction, operation, maintenance, and assessment of software systems. This special section is an effort to encourage and promote research to address challenges from the software systems perspective. The goal of this special section is to present the state-of-the-art and high quality original research papers in the area of software systems. Extended versions of papers published in conferences, symposiums or workshop proceedings may be submitted. Especially we welcome the extended versions of papers published in first class software systems conferences. However, survey papers will not be considered.

This special section includes two themes: Data-Driven Software Engineering; Software Testing and Analysis. However, this special section also welcomes all other aspects of research on software systems.

Theme: Data-Driven Software Engineering

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Instrumentation, data collection, and data quality in software development

- Data infrastructure and representation for scalable and efficient software analysis

- Data analysis techniques and their applications in software development

- Visualization techniques and models to accomplish software development tasks

- Mining repositories across multiple software projects

- Analysis and models for social development involving large-scale software projects

- Monitoring, diagnosing, and managing complex software systems using multiple data sources

- Understanding usage patterns of software users and improving software usability

- Empirical study on software development

Theme: Software Testing and Analysis

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Unit, integration, and system testing

- Testing in globally-distributed organizations

- Model-based testing

- Model-driven development and testing

- Domain specific testing, such as:

Security testing

Web-service testing

Database testing

Embedded software testing

Performance and QoS testing

Testing large-scale distributed systems

- Testing and analysis tools

- Agile/iterative/incremental testing processes

- Software diagnosis

- Static and dynamic analysis for fault detection, localization and fixing

- Metrics and empirical studies

3. Pattern Recognition



期刊:Pattern Recognition

专刊:Special Issue on Multimodal Data Analysis and Integration in Smart and Autonomous Systems (MDAI-SAS)







Smart and Autonomous Systems (SAS) require minimal or no human operator intervention. Examples include robotic platforms, networked systems that combine computing, sensing, communication, and actuation, amongst others. They exhibit a high-level of awareness beyond primitive actions, in support of persistent and long-term autonomy. They employ a variety of representation and reasoning mechanisms, such as semantic or probabilistic reasoning, decision-making in uncertainties, and intention inference of other entities in their vicinity.

Quite often, Smart and Autonomous Systems create a large amount of multimodal data (e.g., optical, EO/IR, acoustic/seismic, RF, electromagnetic, mechanical, thermal, electrical, etc.). In this context, the traditional pattern recognition approach often makes recognition at each modality, and integrates the binary decision information in a hierarchical manner. In doing so, much of the important information is lost. Such low quality processing subsequently results in ineffective detection, localization, or tracking. This is relative to what is possible if the full information of the multimodal data were processed and leveraged, using pattern recognition tools such as probabilistic reasoning, deep learning, kernel smoothing methods, support vector machines, graphical models, high-dimensional regression, or  the Bayesian approach, etc.

Work in the area is motivated by the fact that humans display a remarkable capability of being able to perform multimodal pattern recognition despite noisy sensory signals and conflicting inputs. Humans are adept at network visualization, and at understanding subtle implications among the network connections. To date, however, a human's innate ability to process and integrate information from disparate, network-based sources has not translated well into Smart and Autonomous Systems.

The goal of the Special Issue is to publish the recent results in on the use of pattern recognition for Multimodal Data Analysis and Integration (MDAI) in Smart and Autonomous Systems. State-of-the-art review papers on this topic are also welcome.

4. Journal of Systems Architecture



期刊:Journal of Systems Architecture

专刊:Special Issue on Embedded Artificial Intelligence and Smart Computing (EAI-SC)







With recent breakthroughs at multiple fronts in Machine Learning/Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI) have become the center of attention, not only in the IT circles but also in mainstream media. AI is traditionally dependent on high computation power provided by server farms either in the cloud or on-premise for large-scale, data-intensive model training and inference. While model training requires big data and cloud computing, it is often possible and desirable to implement model inference and online learning on resource-constrained edge devices, such as smart phones and in-vehicle platforms, to avoid the potential latencies and service disruptions due to cloud access. There has been significant recent research progress in embedded software/hardware techniques for AI, ranging from processing elements such as CPU, GPU, FPGA, ASIC, to subsystems of memory hierarchy, storage, and networking. This special issue focuses on the emerging intersection between AI/ML and embedded systems.

5. Theoretical Computer Science



期刊:Theoretical Computer Science

专刊:Special Issue on Quantum Structures in Computer Science: Language, Semantics, Retrieval







Recently, the application of the mathematical formalism of quantum theory has showed significant effectiveness in the modeling and prediction of several phenomena involving complex cognitive processes, such as human probability judgment, knowledge representation, decision-making and perception, where traditional Boolean and Bayesian approaches are problematic. This has had a huge impact on applied disciplines, such as informatics, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, human-machine interaction and machine learning. In this regard, the proponents of the special issue Quantum Structures in Computer Science: Language, Semantics, Retrieval are partners in the Consortium Quantum information Access and Retrieval Theory(QUARTZ), involving seven European Institutions, which has recently been awarded by the European Union for a prestigious Marie Curie European Training Network. With the present special issue, we intend to open the novel and powerful quantum theoretical approach to the community of computer and information scientists, explaining how the quantum mechanical formalism addresses the challenges of the dynamic and multi-modal nature of data and user interaction context, and hence can be successfully applied to natural language, semantics and information access and retrieval and related problems. Through a presentation of the state of the art of the discipline, the contributors will explain why traditional algebraic and logical approaches are not sufficient to address the challenges of a dynamic, adaptive and context-aware user-machine interaction and to make a breakthrough in the overall effectiveness of retrieval systems, thus claiming for a genuine theoretical advance. The proponents and contributors believe that this breakthrough can be provided by quantum theory, which integrates abstract vector spaces, probability spaces and logical operations in a single theoretical framework that extends and generalizes the classical vector, probability and logic spaces utilized in semantic analysis, information access and retrieval and natural language processing. The contributors will also investigate how and why a theoretically and empirically motivated quantum theoretical framework gives up the notions of uni-modal features and classical ranking models disconnected from context. Finally, the contributors will investigate theoretical issues and evaluate methods to manage data collections and meet the user's information needs in a dynamic context.

The special issue will include contributions from top experts in computer science and related fields, who have played a pioneering role in the development of the quantum theoretical research programme and are still providing fundamental contributions to it.

6. World Wide Web Journal



期刊:World Wide Web Journal

专刊:Special Issue on Deep Mining Big Social Data







The internet revolution has made information acquisition easy and cheap so that it has been producing massive web/social data in our real life. The emergence of big social media has lead researchers to study the possibility of their exploitation in order to identify hidden knowledge. However, a huge number of issues appear in obtained big social data. First, there are incomplete social data due to all kinds of reasons, such as security and private information. Second, the structure of social data is different, including structured data (e.g., social web data), semi-structured data (e.g., XML data) and unstructured data (e.g., social networks). Third, the web data are often high-dimensional. However, current computer techniques can only deal with structured, complete and moderate-sized-dimensional data. Moreover, current computer technologies can only mine the basic structure and are not capable of mining their natural complex structure (or deep structure). Hence, there is a huge gap between existing technologies and the real requirements of actual big social data. In this case, deep mining of big social data (such as data preprocessing, deep pattern discovery, pattern fusion, and outlier/noise detection) stands as an interesting promise to relief such a gap. The World Wide Web journal invites papers for a special issue on "Deep Mining Big Social Data" to attract articles that cover existing approaches to mining big social data.

7. Neural Networks



期刊:Neural Networks

专刊:Special Issue on Deep Reinforcement Learning in Neural Networks







Deep learning (DL) has become highly popular in recent years, among theoretically minded and application-focused researchers alike. Moreover, the idea of deep learning has been combined with reinforcement learning (RL), leading to deep reinforcement learning, which has achieved notable successes in tackling difficult problems, including the achievement of AlphaGo.

However, there are many open questions and issues that need to be addressed with regard to deep RL.  Open questions with regard to deep RL include:

- How do we extend RL algorithms or systems to make them suitable for deep learning? How do we make RL (typically centered on values of states or state-action pairings) appropriately deep?

- How do we do so without jeopardizing useful characteristics of RL?

- What modification and enhancements to learning algorithms are necessary to accomplish deep RL in an effective and/or efficient manner?

- How can we make knowledge within deep RL systems explicit (generating explicit, symbolic, usable knowledge) and enable metacognitive reflection and regulation to some extent?

- How can deep learning help facilitate planning or model-based reinforcement learning?

- How can hierarchical or modular approaches be applied to deep RL?

- What theoretical/mathematical properties can be obtained with regard to deep RL (e.g., convergence, stability, robustness, and optimality)?

- How do we apply deep RL in real-world scenarios?

The aim of this special issue is to showcase state-of-the-art work in the field of deep RL, addressing some of the above questions and beyond. Although there have no doubt been advances in addressing these questions, there is clearly room for further development. This special issue will provide a platform for deep learning and reinforcement learning researchers to share their work, for the sake of more rapid advances on a solid footing, fully realizing the potential of infusing reinforcement learning and deep learning. It also intends to showcase more effective applications in a variety of fields (robotics, control engineering, data analysis, and so on).
