专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-14 09:52


由于该国的政治和金融危机,黎巴嫩钢铁市场继续受到影响,而新冠肺炎疫情和 8 月在贝鲁特发生的破坏性爆炸加剧了这种影响。但当地贸易商告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询),市场出现复苏迹象。

Lebanon’s steel market continues to suffer due to political and financial crises in the country, exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the devastating blast inBeirut in August. But there are signs of recovery, local traders tell Kallanish .

“过去几周, [ 对黎巴嫩 ] 出口的螺纹钢主要来自土耳其,来自乌克兰的很少,”一位贸易商说。“当地客户仍对进口螺纹钢感兴趣,不仅是因为国内需求,也是因为邻国的需求。”

“For the last couple of weeks there have been exports of rebar [to Lebanon] mostly fromTurkey and very few from Ukraine,” a merchant says. “Local clients are stillinterested in imports of rebar not only because of domestic demand, but also from neighbouring countries.”

最近一次出货是在上周末, 2 万吨螺纹钢,价格为 430-450 美元 / fob 土耳其。

One of themost recent shipments was at the end of last week for 20,000 tonnes of rebar at$430-450/tonne fob Turkey.

然而,另一位贸易商表示,今年前 9 个月,黎巴嫩仅进口 16 万吨螺纹钢,同比下降 77% 。他希望,在贝鲁特爆炸事件后,未来的建筑项目将增加对螺纹钢和其他钢材的需求。

However, in the first nine months of the year Lebanon imported only 160,000t of rebar, downby -77% on-year, another trader says. He hopes for future construction projectsafter the blast in Beirut, which will increase demand for rebar and othersteel.

海关数据显示, 2019 年黎巴嫩螺纹钢进口总量同比下滑 42% ,至 343,132 吨。主要供应国是乌克兰,为 113,314 吨,同比下滑 47% 。然而,从土耳其进口的螺纹钢增长 3% ,至 105,539 吨。从沙特阿拉伯进口的螺纹钢总量仅为 38,732 吨,而 2018 年为 182,385 吨。这在一定程度上被伊朗螺纹钢所取代, 2019 年从伊朗进口的螺纹钢为 32,201 吨, 2018 年为零。

Lebane seoverall imports of rebar slumped -42% on-year in 2019 to 343,132t, according to Customs data. The main supplier was Ukraine with 113,314t, down -47%. Intake from Turkey, however, rose 3% to 105,539t. Rebar imports from Saudi Arabiatotalled only 38,732t versus 182,385t in 2018. These were to some extentre placed with intake from Iran which was 32,201t in 2019 compared to zero ayear earlier.



Europe Steel Markets 2020
