专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-10 12:29


Aisha 钢厂 (ASML) 表示,巴基斯坦汽车销售和建筑业活动回升,对冷轧卷和热镀锌卷需求利好。该公司补充表示,前景看好,预计将实现生产和销售目标。

The pickupin automotive sales and construction sector activity in Pakistan bodes well forboth cold rolled and hot-dip galvanized coil demand, say Aisha Steel Mills(ASML). The firm adds that the outlook is promising and it expects to achieveproduction and sales targets.

在截至 9 月的第一财季中,该公司销量同比增长 79% ,达到 94,878 吨。然而,这与该季度 107,675 吨的目标相差甚远。 ASML 表示,由于热轧卷短缺,产量下降 2% 69,202 吨,比目标产量低 36%

In the firstfiscal quarter through September the firm increased sales 79% on-year to 94,878tonnes. However, this was short of the 107,675t target for the quarter.Production was down -2% to 69,202t – short of the target by -36% – due to a hotrolled coil shortage, ASML observes.

由于新冠肺炎和和天气相关问题,热轧卷供应商推迟了两批货物。卡拉奇港口的拥堵也造成材料清关进一步延误。 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,成品材库存从本财年开始时的约 3 万吨下降到 9 月底的约 4,000 吨。

Twoshipments were delayed by HRC suppliers citing Covid-19 and weather-relatedissues. Congestion at ports in Karachi also caused further delays in clearanceof material. Finished product inventory declined from around 30,000t at thestart of the financial year to about 4,000t at the end of the Septemberquarter, Kallanish notes.

中国的热轧卷价格在该季度逐步上涨,从 450 美元 / 吨左右上升到 520 美元 / fob 中国。此后价格趋于稳定。在巴基斯坦的新冠肺炎病例下降后,国内钢材需求大幅回升。 ASML 表示,冷轧卷价格也跟随国际趋势逐步上涨。

Chinese HRCprices rose gradually from the beginning of the quarter to the end, from around$450/tonne to $520/t fob China. They have since stabilised. Following thedecline in Covid-19 cases in Pakistan, domestic steel demand picked up sharply.CRC prices also increased gradually, following the international trend, ASMLcomments.

该公司已向国家关税委员会提出申请,要求对从中国和乌克兰进口的冷轧卷征收的 13.17-19.04% 反倾销税进行日落复审。这些关税于 2016 年开始实施,将于 2021 1 月到期。 ASML 预计该关税将再延长 5 年。

The firm hasfiled a request with the National Tariff Commission for a sunset review intothe 13.17-19.04% anti-dumping duties imposed in 2016 on CRC imports from Chinaand Ukraine. These duties expire in January 2021. ASML expects the duties to beextended for another five years.

ASML 9 月季度的收入同比激增 81% ,达到 133 亿巴基斯坦卢比( 8,380 万美元),出口额飙升超过 4.5 倍,达到 2.767 亿巴基斯坦卢比。

ASML’srevenue surged 81% on-year in the September quarter to PKR 13.3 billion ($83.8million), with exports soaring over 5.5-fold to PKR 276.7m.


