本文来自James Mishra的Blog。 James总结了限制公司扩张的两个维度:产品生产和产品的分销难度,并依此列出了4种商业模式。虽然,也有例外,但是那些希望扩张1000倍的公司应该多思考第4种商业模式。
Lately, I have been trying to decode why some startups grow exponentially without significant capital investment, and why other businesses need enormous investment to scale.
To understand the scaling limits of businesses, I’ve started placing them all in the following four categories.
The Four Categories of Businesses 4种类别的业务
The scalability of a business varies on two axes — product and distribution. Some businesses scale effortlessly on both sides, while others require enormous human effort to produce the product and then to distribute it.
业务的可扩张性在产品和分销两个维度变化。 有些公司在两个维度都能轻松的扩张,而另一些公司则需要巨大的人力来生产产品然后分销它。
Category #1: Fixed Product, Fixed Distribution 第1类:固定产品,固定分销
The most extreme examples of Category #1 businesses are restaurants, law firms, medical practices, etc. These companies can grow large, but their product and distribution strategies are not (yet) amenable to technological acceleration. Typically their growth is almost perfectly connected to hiring more employees to serve more customers.
Additionally, the distribution of their product or service also requires substantial human interaction — perhaps the client and service provider meet in person.
此外,他们的产品或服务的分销也需要大量的人的交互 - 甚至客户和服务人员需要亲自见面。
There are less extreme examples of Category #1 businesses. Many of them use a mix of human interaction and technology to grow quickly. However, their scaling costs are still much higher than businesses in any of the other categories.
Category #2: Scalable Product, Fixed Distribution 第2类:可扩张产品,固定分销
These businesses often have high-tech products and efficient ways to build them, but the sales cycle is fixed and not too different from the past.
这些企业通常都有高科技产品, 并且能有效生产这些产品,但销售周期是固定的,和过去并没有太大的不同。
Imagine a defense contractor that built a futuristic fighter jet — it travels at Mach 100, and it is constructed by a robot factory that requires no human labor. It would be easy to build thousands of absolutely incredible aircraft, but the contractor would still have to go through the traditional defense acquisitions process to sell even a single one.
想象一下国防承包商建造一架未来式战斗机 — 以100马赫行驶,飞机由机器人工厂建造,不需要人工。建造成千上万的性能令人难以置信的飞机很容易,但承包商仍然需要经历传统的国防采购过程才能销售一台飞机。
Big ticket enterprise software is another example. Oracle can effortlessly scale the number of copies of its software, but the number of copies in use is bottlenecked by the effectiveness of its human sales force.
昂贵的企业软件是另一个例子。 Oracle可以毫不费力地扩大其软件的数量,但是使用的软件数量受制于其人力销售人员的有效性。
Businesses can innovate in some areas — such as pricing — and still have “fixed” distribution. For example, big-ticket enterprise software companies are moving from a licensing & support model to a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service model. Old-school giants like Microsoft and Oracle are trying to use new cloud-based products to extract recurring revenue from large customers. But while the billing may have changed, the process of landing those accounts and scaling the business has not.
Category #3: Fixed Product, Scalable Distribution 第3类:固定产品,可扩张分销
The third type has innovative delivery for an old-school product. For example, journalists write much like they did 100 years ago, but their distribution potential has skyrocketed. For example, as of mid-2016, BuzzFeed has over 200 million monthly unique visitors and over 7 billion monthly content views. Remarkably, fewer than 2000 employees support those 7 billion monthly views.
In (a slightly-flawed) comparison, total daily newspaper circulation in the United States peaked at slightly above 60 million households around 1990. Around that time, the newspaper industry employed nearly a half million Americans. Subscriptions for American households aren’t nearly the same metric as global monthly unique visitors, but BuzzFeed’s <2000 employees have a 2016 audience in the same ballpark as the entire American newspaper industry circa 1990.
Category #4: Scalable Product, Scalable Distribution 第4类:可扩张产品,可扩张分销
The fourth type of business is one where there is innovation in both the product and in the distribution. Social networks are great examples: the distribution of their content scales infinitely over the Internet, much like Category #3 businesses such as BuzzFeed. However, social networks’ content scales with their distribution. When all readers are writers, there is always more to read.
While not a for-profit business, Wikipedia is a similar example. As more people turn to Wikipedia for information, more people become Wikipedia editors and expand the amount of knowledge that the encyclopedia contains.
In 2014, David Sacks tweeted his interpretation of Uber’s flywheel for growth. Bill Gurley’s famous analysis of Uber describes this phenomenon in greater detail.
2014年,David Sacks 在Twitter上发表了他对Uber飞轮般增长的解读。Bill Gurley 对Uber的分析更详细地描述了这一现象。
Online marketplaces like eBay, Google Adwords, Amazon Marketplace, Airbnb, and Uber have the same dynamics. The more attention these companies capture from the demand side (e.g. shoppers, guests, riders), the more lucrative it becomes to sign up on the supply side (e.g. merchant, host, drivers).
像eBay,Google Adwords,Amazon Marketplace,Airbnb和Uber这样的在线市场也具有相同的特点。这些公司从需求方(例如买家,住客,乘客)获得的关注越多,在供应方(例如商家,房东,司机)注册的吸引力就越高。