Computers and Geotechnics
Systematic investigation into the role of particle multi-level morphology in determining the shear behavior of granular materials via DEM simulation
Fig. 1. Multi-level morphology of a typical Pingtan sand particle
Fig. 2. Morphology of generated particles: (a and b) ellipsoidal particles with varying EI and FI values; (c and d) equiaxed concave particles with varying AI and RG values; and represented particle models incorporated in DEM simulations: (e and f) rigid blocks with varying EI and FI values; (g and h) clumps with varying AI and RG values (the integer next to each clump represents the number of sub-spheres).
Fig. 3. Simulation procedures of triaxial drained compression test: (a) allocation of non-overlapping particles; (b) isotropic compression of the specimen; (c) subjecting the specimen to axial loading until reaching a critical state.
Fig. 4. Snapshots of four typical samples with different particle shapes at (a) initial and (b) critical states.
Fig. 16. Distribution of normal contact forces at (a) initial and (b) final states for specimens with EI = 0.2, FI = 0.2, AI = 0.2, RG = 0.04 (i.e., SFnorm = 1.0) and spheres.
Systematic investigation into the role of particle multi-level morphology indetermining the shear behavior of granular materials via DEM simulation.