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Harvard Daoist Studies Symposium

中古史  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-24 11:32


Harvard Daoist Studies Symposium: The Body, Gender, and Self-cultivation in Daoism

S030, Doris and Ted Lee Gathering Room, CGIS South, Harvard University, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge.

This two-day symposium aims to bring in several of the world’s leading experts in the study of Daoism to focus on the topic of body, gender, and self-cultivation in Daoism. This topic is a fertile ground for research, especially because Daoism at most stages of its development envisioned spiritual perfection as inextricably bound with the physical body, and because attitudes towards gender in many Daoist communities were complex and could differ in significant ways from those found in other Chinese sources. The nexus of body, gender, and self-cultivation, therefore, makes for an exceptionally productive and exciting theme to explore in a sustained way through a series of talks and extensive discussions.

Thursday, April 25

9:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
Introductory Remarks

9:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Panel 1
Medicines, Meridians, and Meditation
Chair: James Robson (Harvard)
Michael Stanley-Baker (Nanyang Technical College), “ The Medicalizationof Chinese Religion: The Han Watershed, the Rise of Religions of Personal Salvation, and how Embodied Practices Came to Figure Spiritual Status in Chinese Religions
Kato Chie (Rikkyo University),  “ A Study on the Connection Between the Ren Du Meridian System and Internal Alchemy ” 任脈督脈と内丹との結合についての一考察

10:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Coffee Break

11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Panel 2
Daoism and Buddhism
Chair: James Robson (Harvard)
Stephen R. Bokenkamp (Arizona State University), “ Buddhism in the Declarations of the Perfected ”《真誥》中的剪輯痕跡
Gil Raz (Dartmouth College), “ Traces of the Way: Memory and Transformation in Daoist Jataka Tales

12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Lunch for participants

1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Panel 3
The Body and Gender: Internal Alchemy and Female Alchemy
Chair: James Robson (Harvard)
Dominic Steavu (University of California at Santa Barbara), “ What Do Divine Embryos and Mushrooms Have in Common? Some Reflections on the Virtues of Self-Reproduction in Daoism
Sasha Makarova (Harvard), " Bodily Formation and Female Impurity: Placenta as the Source of Mortality in Shangqing Texts. "
Elena Valussi (Loyola University Chicago), “ Resistant Fleshiness: Gender, Body, and Transcendence in Daoist Self-cultivation

Friday, April 26

9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Panel 4
The Daoist Master Between This World and the Other World
Chair: Michael Puett (Harvard)
David J. Mozina (Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard University), “ Transcorporeal Bodies and the Chthonic Realm of Fengdu
