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宝马客  · 公众号  · 汽车  · 2017-02-28 20:27



你有心灵鸡汤,暖心 ;我有车迷毒药,激情!

《Heroes》--David Bowie

I, I wish you could swim

Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim

Though nothing, nothing will keep ustogether

We can beat them, for ever and ever

Oh we can be Heroes, just for one day

I, I will be king

And you, you will be queen

Though nothing will drive them away

We can beat them, just for one day

We can be Heroes, just for one day

I, I can remember (I remember)

Standing, by the wall (by the wall)

And the guns, shot above our heads (over our heads)

And we kissed, as though nothing could fall(nothing could fall)

And the shame, was on the other side

Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever

Then we could be Heroes, just for one day

We can be Heroes

We can be Heroes

We can be Heroes

Just for one day

We can be Heroes



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第一电动汽车网  ·  4月开启推送 极氪千里浩瀚发布满血版车位到车位
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厦门网  ·  巨头宣布:大裁员!7500人面临失业
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