专栏名称: 宝马客
每日推送关于宝马的一切,有趣有料互动。BMWCar宝马客,源自全球宝马车迷圣经《BMWCar宝马汽车》杂志,中国宝马车主,车迷,发烧友社群,非官方,独立发声,畅所欲言,We Speak as We Found!
有车以后  ·  3月数个爆款上市,国产豪车扎堆 ·  昨天  
河南日报  ·  宝马、华为,宣布合作! ·  2 天前  
汽车之家  ·  13万的CR-V!是时候冲一波! ·  5 天前  
汽车最前线  ·  一个车标价值一台SU7 ... ·  2 天前  
有车以后  ·  超级大脑x4,宝马全新电子电气架构 ·  3 天前  
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宝马客  · 公众号  · 汽车  · 2017-02-28 20:27



你有心灵鸡汤,暖心 ;我有车迷毒药,激情!

《Heroes》--David Bowie

I, I wish you could swim

Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim

Though nothing, nothing will keep ustogether

We can beat them, for ever and ever

Oh we can be Heroes, just for one day

I, I will be king

And you, you will be queen

Though nothing will drive them away

We can beat them, just for one day

We can be Heroes, just for one day

I, I can remember (I remember)

Standing, by the wall (by the wall)

And the guns, shot above our heads (over our heads)

And we kissed, as though nothing could fall(nothing could fall)

And the shame, was on the other side

Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever

Then we could be Heroes, just for one day

We can be Heroes

We can be Heroes

We can be Heroes

Just for one day

We can be Heroes



有车以后  ·  3月数个爆款上市,国产豪车扎堆
河南日报  ·  宝马、华为,宣布合作!
2 天前
汽车之家  ·  13万的CR-V!是时候冲一波!
5 天前
Cocoa开发者社区  ·  每个程序员和设计师必做的10项运动
8 年前
专利分析可视化  ·  作图详解 | 带图标的条形图
7 年前
史遇春之尘境心影录  ·  生平上坐有几回?独中三元的明朝宰相商辂轶事
7 年前