1 - 早期的计算 - Early Computing
2 - 电子计算 - Electronic Computing
3 - 布尔逻辑与逻辑电路 - Boolean Logic & Logic Gates
4 - 二进制 - Representing Numbers and Letters with Binary
5 - 算术逻辑单元 - How Computers Calculate - the ALU
6 - 寄存器 & 内存 - Registers and RAM
7 - 中央处理器 - The Central Processing Unit(CPU)
8 - 指令和程序 - Instructions & Programs
9 - 高级 CPU 设计 - Advanced CPU Designs
10 - 编程史话 - Early Programming
11 - 编程语言 - The First Programming Languages
12 - 编程原理:语句和函数 - Programming Basics: Statements & Functions
13 - 算法初步 - Intro to Algorithms
14 - 数据结构 - Data Structures
15 - 阿兰·图灵 - Alan Turing
16 - 软件工程 - Software Engineering
17 - 集成电路、摩尔定律 - Integrated Circuits & Moore’s Law
18 - 操作系统 - Operating Systems
19 - 内存 & 储存介质 - Memory & Storage
20 - 文件系统 - Files & File Systems
21 - 压缩 - Compression
22 - 命令行界面 - Keyboards & Command Line Interfaces
23 - 屏幕 & 2D 图形显示 - Screens & 2D Graphics
24 - 冷战和消费主义 - The Cold War and Consumerism
25 - 个人计算机革命 - The Personal Computer Revolution
26 - 图形用户界面 - Graphical User Interfaces
27 - 3D 图形 - 3D Graphics
28 - 计算机网络 - Computer Networks
29 - 互联网 - The Internet
30 - 万维网 - The World Wide Web
31 - 网络安全 - Cybersecurity
32 - 黑客与攻击 - Hackers & Cyber Attacks
33 - 加密 - Cryptography
34 - 机器学习与人工智能 - Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
35 - 计算机视觉 - Computer Vision
36 - 自然语言处理 - Natural Language Processing
37 - 机器人 - Robots
38 - 计算机中的心理学 - Psychology of Computing
39 - 教育型科技 - Educational Technology
40 - (完结) 奇点,天网,计算机的未来 - The Singularity, Skynet, and the Future of Computing