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算法与数学之美  · 公众号  · 算法  · 2017-02-15 21:48








Post-doc position in Industrial Wireless Networks at IMT Atlantique, Rennes Campus

The post-doc will work on the following topics:

  • Design of networking and communication protocols for low latency and high reliability industrial wireless communication (layer 2 and layer 3 protocols, cross-layer, multi-hop communications).

  • Develop IoT solutions for improving the scheduling of factories in the context of the Industry 4.0.

  • Design and develop techniques on improving the deterministic solutions (i.e., algorithms to reduce the latency, jitter while achieving 100% of network reliability).

The work will require the design and evaluation of protocols mainly through experiments (OpenMote, FIT-IoT-LAB) and simulations (Contiki OS / OpenWSN). Theoretical analyses can be also expected.

Candidate profile

The candidate should have a PhD in Telecommunications, Electrical, Computer Science or Computer Engineering (or closely related disciplines), and a proven track record of publications in relevant journals and conferences. Preferably, the candidate should have done the PhD or have experience in one of the following research topics: industrial wireless networks, IoT, WSNs, mobile and wireless networking, wireless network scheduling and optimization. The
candidate should have good programming (i.e., C and python) and simulation skills.

Good written and spoken communication skills in English are required, as well as team working skills and availability to travel.


Interested candidates, please e-mail a detailed CV to [email protected]


The OCIF (Objets Communicants et Internet du Futur / Communicating objects and Future Internet) team is part of the IRISA team, and within the SRCD Department at IMT Atlantique, Rennes, France. The lab activities focus on: industrial wireless networks (6TiSCH, LoRa), Smart Grid, OSV and WiFi.


Subject: Postdoctoral Position at CEA-Leti in Full-Duplex mmW radio transceiver architectures for 5G

The CEA-Leti, one of the three advanced-research institutes within CEA Tech, is focused on creating value and innovation through technology transfer to its industrial partners. It specializes in nanotechnologies and their applications, from wireless devices and systems, to biology, healthcare and photonics. With a staff of more than 1,900, Leti is based in Grenoble, France, and has offices in Silicon Valley, California, and Tokyo.

Located in Grenoble at the heart of the MINATEC Campus, the wireless broadband systems laboratory (LSHD) is conducting cutting-edge research in wireless communications for broadband and 5G systems, including advanced channel coding and modulation, transceiver design, access control protocols, and radio and network resource management. Its activities cover a large spectrum, from the specification, simulation and characterization, to the design of both SW and HW components for wireless communications.  

As part of these activities, a postdoctoral position is open in the area of 5G millimeter wave (mmW) wireless communications, focused on both system level study and implementation of in-band full-duplex mmW radio transceiver. The goal of this project is to investigate and design a new mmW radio transceiver for self-backhaul small cells in order to highly increase the capacity of future 5G cellular networks.

The successful applicant must hold a PhD in Telecommunication, Signal processing and RF architectures, with a strong record of publications in major international conferences and journals.

Applications should be sent by email to Patrick Rosson ([email protected]) and Dimitri Kténas ([email protected]), including (1) a cover letter explaining the candidate's research interests, 

(2) a detailed curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, 

(3) the contact details of at least two referees.



PhD and Postdoc positions available,

- For research in Wireless Communication Networks, Information Theory, and Caching.

- at EURECOM - Sophia Antipolis, France (ideally located in the heart of the French Riviera, inside the multi-cultural silicon valley of Europe).

Positions are offered within the framework of the ERC Consolidator Grant *DUALITY*: "Theoretical foundations of memory micro-insertions in wireless communications" (project starts in March 2017, and has duration 5+ years).

DUALITY  aims to lay the theoretical foundations of applying memory/caching in wireless communications networks. Subtopics may also include cloud-based communications, massive MIMO, mmWave, fundamentals of network information theory, and the complexity of information extraction in communications. Practical applications (simulations and validation in EURECOM's open-air interface hardware platform) may also be of interest.

To apply, please email complete CV to petros.elia[at]http://eurecom.fr   (http://www.eurecom.fr/%7Eelia/)

Please indicate "DUALITY position” in the e-mail subject line.


Applicants for a PhD position ( 3 years ) must have an MSc, and must have a good background in the mathematics of telecommunications, and some background in information theory.

Applicants for a Post-Doctoral position (1,2 or 5 years) must have a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering or Applied Mathematics/Stat, or related fields, and must have strong research in telecommunications (with emphasis on information theory, interference management, networking, caching, etc.), and academic excellence including publications in top journals and international  conferences.

Additional advantages:

- Competitive salary (PhD students receive approximately 2000 euros) and strong social benefits.

- Funding supports joint collaboration and travel to Yale University, USA and TU Berlin.

- Frontier research: "European Research Council (ERC) grants support frontier research. The ERC encourages in particular proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries, pioneering ideas that address new and emerging fields and applications that introduce unconventional, innovative approaches."


EURECOM enjoys a special status within the group of French Ivy League schools, or “Grandes Ecoles” as it is the only engineering school in France with a full English language curriculum. Besides teaching at the MSc and PhD levels, EURECOM’s activities mainly revolve around research in the domains of networking, computer security, data-science and mobile communications. It has some 150 employees, including 125 scientists.




A Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) Position in Wireless Communication Theory

The successful PDF will be engaged in a project related to physical layer security either from an information or a communication theoretical point of view. Candidates with strong analytical skills in wireless communication theory ‎ are encouraged to apply. The successful PDF must hold a PhD In Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, or other relevant disciplines. ‎A high level of self-motivation, a strong publication record, very good English communication skills (oral and writing), and the ability to work independently, as well as, in a team are essential. The successful PDF may also be actively engaged in student mentoring. He/she will also be required to deliver regular reports related to the associated grant.


The location of the position is Communication Theory Group at University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. USA. ‎The initial term of the PDF position is for 1 year, with possibility of renewal up to two additional years, based on mutual interest.

‎Application Requirements:

Only applications providing all application requirements will be considered further. Applicant requirements are as below:

1- Detailed CV including list of publications. ‎

2- Contact details of at least three references.

3- A soft copy‎ of one or two recent publications considered by the candidate as being representative(s) of his/her research work.

Interested applicants should send their complete application package as a single pdf file to: Prof. Zouheir Rezki (mailto:[email protected]‎). Please use as subject for your email: Post-Doc Fellow Application. More details on the PI may be found here 



Five fully funded PhD positions are available to start in Fall 2017 in the Optimized Networking Lab in the ECE department at New Jersey Institute of Technology. 
General requirements: 
- High passion and motivation to do PhD and pursue academic life in computer networking and communication area and to learn and explore new things. 
- Master degree in EE, CompE, CS, Math or related fields (Exceptional BS only holders will also be considered). 
- Good command in english (writing and speaking). 
- High GPA. 
- Good publication record in good Journals and/or conferences. 
Specific requirements: 
(1) First position: Good knowledge of one or more of the following: computer networking, probability theory, convex optimization, game theory, complexity theory, stochastic systems, and control theory. Familiarity with wireless systems and protocols. Knowledge of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). 
(2) Second position: Good knowledge of one or more of the following: computer networking, communication theory, and optical communication & networking. Also, hands on experience on building and configuring networking systems. Familiarity with wireless systems. 
(3) Third position: Good knowledge of one or more of the following: computer networking, probability theory, convex optimization, game theory, complexity theory, stochastic systems, and control theory. 
(4) Fourth position: Good hands on experience with cloud computing and wireless networking protocols. Exceptional computer programming and configuration experience. Systems research experience. 
(5) Fifth position: Good knowledge about vehicular networks and standards, short range communications, and transportation engineering. Exceptional computer programming and configuration experience. Systems research experience. 
Please send your application including CV and research statement to [email protected] (y=Abdallah and z=njit) if you are highly motivated and interested in one of these positions. Please make the title of the email: "RA position x application". Here, x represents the position number.



有兴趣的同学请投简历至[email protected] 。 

Autel Robotics sponsored position - CMU Postdoc 

Position Description  

Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon is seeking highly qualified postdoctoral researchers in the area of aerial robotics for high impact research, sponsored by Autel Robotics. 
Professors Deva Ramanan & Simon Lucey have an opening for a Post-doctoral Researcher to work in problems on computer vision and machine learning: 
√ This person will be exploring approaches pertinent to rapid pose estimation on an embedded system from challenging viewpoints.  
√ The work requires the research and development of fundamental algorithms and to aid current research projects within the lab.  
√ The candidate must have a proven research record with publications in top tier journals and conferences such as PAMI, IJCV, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV and NIPS.  
√ The post-doc will be involved with the management of the lab and graduate student work. 
Required Materials  

Qualified applicants holding a PhD degree (or equivalent) should provide the following material: 
√ Cover letter briefly describing their background and career plans 
√ Curriculum Vitae  
√ Top 3 publications 
√ Link to your research website  
√ Dates of availability 
√ Names and contact information for at least two references




*   工作地点:深圳总部

*   职位类别:技术研发类

*   招聘部门:数据平台部

*   工作年限:3年以上

*   招聘人数:1人

岗位职责:图像理解、深度学习等前沿技术在广告领域应用的研究; 领导上述相关算法的研发和工程实现,并负责相关技术的产品化。

岗位要求:模式识别,计算机视觉,图像处理,机器学习等计算机相关专业;硕士及以上,优秀本科生亦可; 熟练掌握计算机视觉和图像处理相关的基本算法及应用。 熟练掌握C/C++,Python,Java等至少一门语言,熟悉 OpenCV 等常用库,有一定的软件开发工程经验; 在计算机视觉、模式识别等国际顶级会议或者期刊上发表论文、相关国际比赛获奖、及有相关专利者优先。


Job Title: Research Fellow  

Delta-NTU Corporate Laboratory for Cyber-Physical Systems School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering  


Job Description:  

The project is concerned with vehicle navigation and target tracking with collision avoidance in cluttered environments for automatic guided vehicle (AGV). Such AGVs rely on a variety of sensors (e.g. LiDAR, UWB, IR and/or camera) in order to navigate safely in dynamic and cluttered indoor environments. The main goal is to develop reliable and accurate sensing systems and algorithms for detection, tracking and classification of both moving and stationary obstacles in the vicinity of a moving unmanned vehicle.  
Working at Smart Manufacturing track of Delta-NTU Corporate Laboratory for Cyber-Physical Systems, the research fellow will be part of a large and world-leading research team in networked control and autonomous systems. The research work will include sensing system and algorithm development, perception, system integration, simulations and testing for obstacle avoidance and navigation in cluttered environments. We aim to develop efficient and scalable algorithms to consolidate data from multiple heterogeneous sensors. These algorithms will allow us to detect and track targets more accurately by making full use of the information available from onboard sensors and sensors installed in environments.  


1.Candidate must have a PhD degree in engineering.  
2.Extensive research experiences in related fields: Sensor fusion, Indoor localization, Advanced control algorithm  
3.Strong at signal processing and estimation, algorithms development and implementation, data modelling and perception.  
4.Experiences in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM).  
5.Knowledge of wireless sensing and communication network.  
6.Excellent team-work and communication skills, preferably with engineering project management experience.  
7.Excellent problem formulation and problem solving skills.  
8.Strong organizational skills to juggle multiple tasks within the  
constraints of timelines and budgets with business acumen.  

Relevant experiences or skills in one or more of the following areas will be a plus:  

1.Excellent programming skills in C/C++ and MATLAB.  
2.Experiences in multi-sensor systems (e.g., electromechanical systems, actuators, sensors, control theory, autonomous systems, state machines) development.  
3.Has patent or product development experience  
Application Procedure:  
Interested candidates please send your CV/resume to: Prof. Xie Lihua through  
E-mail: [email protected]  

Electronic submission of application is highly encouraged.  Only short-listed candidates will be notified for interview.  Application closes when the positions are filled.










