The appearance of THE FACE on a recent reality show has made a group of 80s and 90s rock-and-roll youths touched, and it also proves experience genuinely rocks! Classic music is never out of date. Even the fresh generation Z have expressed their love for this band. Looking back at the history of Chinese rock music, everyone in the rock scene had their share of burning tears. In the age of rock music, they’d feel the hardship, you can surely imagine how much solid courage it takes to be involved in a more pioneering genre back then - the electronic music.
This time we present you theveteran in the electronic music scene since the 1990s - Weng Weng, the figurebehind Lantern Club!
Electronic music artist based in Beijing
Acupuncture Records(“针刺疗法”电音厂牌)主理人
Co-founder of Acupuncture Records
Organizer of Intro electronic music festival
Co-founder of Lantern Club
DJ 翁嗡(WENGWENG)致力于电子音乐在中国发展多年,身兼艺人、活动策划、俱乐部经营等多重身份。从中国打气工厂、新千年金山岭长城派对、丝绒俱乐部、FM俱乐部、到“针刺疗法”电音厂牌,中国首个大型户外电子音乐节INTRO电子音乐节,以及北京知名地下电音俱乐部灯笼俱乐部…DJ翁嗡(WENGWENG)在北京电子音乐发展的各个时期起到重要作用。
WENGWENG is one of China's most prolific Techno DJs and the main founder of Beijing's Lantern Club. He has been a driving force behind China's earliest Techno label, Acupuncture Records, and INTRO Electronic Music Festival, China's biggest outdoor Techno event.
Committed to the development of electronic music culture in China for more than a decade, WENGWENG acts under multiple identities, as an artist, event organizer and club manager. His deep insights and long-term career in the underground electronic music culture made his musical work a unique voice, leaving his musical footprints both in the major domestic as well as many international clubs and festivals, and made him one of the key figures in China's electronic music culture.
8月9日,的北京灯笼主理人Weng Weng将携手成都.TAG核心老将Harry Ho共同接管.TAG舞池。同时本地实力艺人Slowdwon与Wonkey将在Hidden Bar送上不一样的舞曲。
On August 9th, Weng Weng, the Beijing lantern manager, will join hands with Chengdu.TAG core veteran Harry Ho to take over the .TAG dance floor. At the same time, local strength artists Slowdwon and Wonkey will send different dance music at Hidden Bar.