撰文 Eric Niiler
翻译 陆静怡
审校 张士超
英国科学家用计算机模型模拟大气中二氧化碳含量的变化,以分析其对晴空湍流造成的影响。数据显示,目前大气中二氧化碳的浓度是400 ppm,预计本世纪晚些时候,二氧化碳浓度将会上升到560 ppm,是工业化前水平的两倍。那么问题的答案是什么呢?简言之,飞行将会变得比现在颠簸得多。航空公司每年都要经受将近800次“遭遇湍流”带来的大大小小的损伤,而这一变化将会成为航空公司的困扰。不过不用担心,航空公司正在研发用于提醒飞行员应对湍流的机载系统。
2017年4月7日,《大气科学进展》刊登了这项研究的论文。该论文基于雷丁大学气象学家 Paul Williams 于2013年发表的研究成果。Williams 虽然发现了气候变化会使飞行更颠簸,但他并没有在结论中辨析颠簸程度。飞行中的重度颠簸足以让空乘人员摔倒,而轻度颠簸可能只会弄洒你的鸡尾酒。
William 说: “2013年的那篇论文就像开路先锋,它大致告诉我们将来湍流会更多,但并没有深入探究。而新发表的论文首次探讨了不同的强度的湍流,因此我们能够分别预计轻度颠簸与重度颠簸未来的变化,前者是完全安全的,但会让‘恐飞’乘客感到难受,而后者则能够导致乘客摔倒甚至受伤。”
讲这项研究之前,我们先来了解一下晴空湍流的定义。不同于雷雨或飞机着陆时微下击暴流造成的湍流,Williams 研究的30000英尺以上湍流源于高速气流带来的涡流与不稳定气流。高速气流是相对较窄、自西向东围绕地球的气流带,南北半球各有两条。高速气流跟随热带气团与极地气团的等温线自北向南传播。而气候变化加快了高速气流的传播。
这也意味着飞行会更加颠簸。Williams 的研究表明,轻度颠簸将会上升59%,轻至中度颠簸则会上升75%。换言之,你将面临更多打翻饮料的困扰,听到更多系好安全带的警告。而更糟糕的还在后面,重度颠簸的发生率将会不断攀升。真正意义上强悍到足以搅得人仰马翻的重度颠簸将上升149%。
几年前,在法国泰雷兹集团的带领下,多家欧洲航空公司研发了一款能够监测飞机前方18英里内晴空湍流的机载 LIDAR 系统。这个系统可以起一定的作用,但却重达440磅,并且不是非常有效,价格更是不菲。德国宇航局(German Aerospace Agency)大气物理研究所的 Paul Vrancken 评价该系统道:“就目前来看,这个系统太过昂贵。航空工业界对它并没有太大的兴趣。”
【题目】Increased light, moderate, and severe clear-air turbulence in response to climate change
【作者】 Paul D. Williams
【期刊】Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
【日期】07 April 2017
【摘要】Anthropogenic climate change is expected to strengthen the vertical wind shears at aircraft cruising altitudes within the atmospheric jet streams. Such a strengthening would increase the prevalence of the shear instabilities that generate clear-air turbulence. Climate modelling studies have indicated that the amount of moderate-or-greater clear-air turbulence on transatlantic flight routes in winter will increase significantly in future as the climate changes. However, the individual responses of light, moderate, and severe clear-air turbulence have not previously been studied, despite their importance for aircraft operations. Here, we use climate model simulations to analyse the transatlantic wintertime clear-air turbulence response to climate change in five aviation-relevant turbulence strength categories. We find that the probability distributions for an ensemble of 21 clear-air turbulence diagnostics generally gain probability in their right-hand tails when the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is doubled. By converting the diagnostics into eddy dissipation rates, we find that the ensembleaverage airspace volume containing light clear-air turbulence increases by 59% (with an intra-ensemble range of 43%–68%), light-to-moderate by 75% (39%–96%), moderate by 94% (37%–118%), moderate-to-severe by 127% (30%–170%), and severe by 149% (36%–188%). These results suggest that the prevalence of transatlantic wintertime clear-air turbulence will increase significantly in all aviation-relevant strength categories as the climate changes.
【链接】 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00376-017-6268-2
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