专栏名称: HRTechChina
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Google做ATS服务了。。刚宣布推出了一个与G Suite集成的新招聘应用程序,直白点讲就是GOOGLE做ATS服务了

HRTechChina  · 公众号  · 职场  · 2017-07-19 14:28


还记得5月份Google 发布了 job.google.com 的招聘求职服务吗?不记得可以点击文章底部“ 阅读原文 ”再看看哦!

现在更进一步了,GOOGLE发布了G Suite的招聘应用套件,把服务更进一步的推进了!将近300万的企业用户可以直接使用google招聘管理服务了。简单讲就是推出ATS 服务了·~~

详细可以访问: http://hire.google.com

小编看了下这个是一个标准的利用gmail 、google Calendar ,google sheets来组成的一个简易的服务。


It’s no secret that attracting top talent is a key driver of business success. But whether you’re looking to recruit a business analyst, bring on an assistant or hire an experienced auto mechanic, building the right teams with the right talent takes time and money.

According to a study by Bersin by Deloitte, it takes an average of 52 days to fill an open position and costs about $4,000 to interview, schedule and assess each candidate. At the end of the day, that adds up. Now, Hire –an app designed to help small and medium businesses recruit more effectively–can help.

Recruit better using Hire and G Suite

Hire makes it easy for you to identify talent, build strong candidate relationships and efficiently manage the interview process end-to-end. It integrates seamlessly with G Suite apps like Gmail and Google Calendar, which more than 3 million businesses use, many of them to drive recruiting efforts. With the introduction of Hire, customers now have a hiring app alongside G Suite’s familiar, easy-to-use tools that can help them run an efficient recruiting process.
