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Final USDA citrus forecast anticipates rise in orange production

中国水果门户  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-16 09:30



In its latest and final citrus forecast, the USDA anticipates a slight increase in Valencia orange production in Florida.

The revised crop report estimates 18.0 million boxes of oranges for the 2023-2024 season. The total includes 6.76 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties), unchanged from the June forecast, and 11.2 million boxes of Valencia oranges.

This represents an increase of 100,000 boxes from last month's estimate, which can be fully attributed to higher Valencia orange production.

Production of other citrus, grapefruit, tangerine, and tangelo remained unchanged.

Grapefruit production remains at 1.79 million boxes. Of the total grapefruit forecast, 240,000 boxes are white, and 1.55 million boxes are the red varieties.

The Florida all tangerine and tangelo forecast is unchanged at 450,000 boxes.

Matt Joyner, executive vice president and CEO of Florida Citrus Mutual, responded to the latest forecast with a hopeful tone.

"As we look ahead, the future of Florida citrus holds great promise," Joyner said. "Now that we have tools proving effective at combatting citrus greening, we are hopeful that the coming year will bring continued improvements in the health of Florida citrus trees, production levels and the resiliency of our industry."

