本周的封面挺吓人,感觉核武器的乌云又来了,美国在宠物上的花费都是其国家GDP两倍的朝鲜让川普很是闹心,推特治国的川普也是在发表了很多相关推文,那么究竟给怎么对待这个麻烦的国家,文章写了多种手段,但最后的总结还是all the options are bad,还是各方保持冷静吧,跟我外交部发言人的套路一致。中国部分本周不可避免要关注统帅沙场阅兵了,这次阅兵杂志认为是军队改革的一部分,军队改革,国企改革,党内反腐的套路是一致的,但军队改革将为后两者提供指引,另外学了一个说法“theatre commands”。另外还有一篇关于一带一路的文章,OBOR这个缩略语大家应该记住,在这样一个宏大的计划上,西方这些大企业又找到了自己的机会,中国靠一己之力走出去还是很难的。
另外这几期都出现了Economics brief板块,应该会介绍六个经济学名词,算是杂志的暑期保留节目了,大家不要错过。
Before Babylon, Beyond Bitcoin
by David Birch
288 pages
“Before Babylon, Beyond Bitcoin” by David Birch, a consultant, offers a broad historical overview on the nature of this essential economic instrument. His underlying thesis is that money has evolved over the ages to suit the needs of society and the economy. Often these changes have occurred because previous forms of money were too inflexible. In the Middle Ages, metal coins were supplemented by bills of exchange to make long-term trade easier. Credit and debit cards have replaced the cumbersome process of clearing cheques.
Money may be about to change again. The author thinks cash will and should dwindle away. The future belongs, not to plastic cards, but to mobile phones. In Kenya, hundreds of businesses, including the leading utilities, accept payments through a mobile-based system known as M-Pesa (pesa means “money” in Kiswahili). More than two-thirds of adults use it. “With payment cards, you could pay retailers. With mobile phones, people can pay each other. And that changes everything,” he writes.