Hey guys this is Vicky,welcome back to our show.I am so happy that you like the last episode, which motivates us a lot.Also,I do hope you guys will like this episode.
Hey 大家好,欢迎来到考研英语时事阅读每周三推出的栏目——看美剧,学英语。很开心大家喜欢上一期的节目,大家的留言给小编带来了无限的动力,在今天的讲解中呢,我邀请到一位英国的朋友给大家录了一段超级棒的,超级有磁性的英音讲解。And I bet you guys will definitely like his voice.
在上一期中呢,我们简单,却不粗暴地介绍了This is us,平凡,到处都是泪点,却不庸俗,平淡的背后,却是最真挚的感情。
相信看过的朋友,很多的成为了剧中好丈夫jack的小迷妹,我也不例外,当然还有剧中的颜值担当,穿衣有肉,脱衣显瘦的大儿子Kevin,Okay 这是一个正经的节目,不能犯花痴。同时也别忘了只靠实力吃饭的二儿子Randal.当然剧中还有很多很棒的角色,大家可以留言,来说说你最喜欢的角色。没看过剧的同学,come on,赶紧恶补起来。
Alright,Let’s come to the point.今天呢我们将讲解第二集的内容,简单来说,第二集的主要内容就是三个孩子都遇到了自己的人生难题。大儿子Kevin面临工作的问题,Kate还在为减肥的事情苦恼,但是很幸运的是她遇到了自己后来的Mr right Toby.小儿子Randal 为自己亲生父亲的癌症而苦恼。总结起来,就是,人生苦恼真的很多,但这也正是这部剧引起大家共鸣的一个点。Alright,接下来进入我们的看美剧学英语的环节。
Alright,that’s for me,see you next week.
2.worked up
So now Rebacca’s all worked up.
You shouldn’t get so worked up about it.
在片段中,Jack提到。他的妻子 worked up。Worked up为激动的,生气的。Emotional response。就是关于情绪的一种反应,有时候也可以表示你很伤心,就是upset and unhappy,有时候表示你很激动,你很excited。
You shouldn’t get so worked up about it.你不该为此事那么激动
3.be hard on someone
What”s the deal? Why are you so hard on him To Be hard on someone means giving somebody a difficult situation,就是对某人苛刻,对。。。过分严厉
The legal process can be hard on anyone who goes through it, and the last four years have been challenging for all of us here at Microsoft-and for me personally.
4.cut to the chase
He is not good,he is perfect总结起来,这就是一段光明正大的秀恩爱片段,片段开始之前呢,他说到Can I cut to the chase?
Can I cut to the chase?Cut to the chase 就是直奔主题,不拐弯抹角,
那么拐弯抹角就是beat around the bush但是很多情况Beat around the bush 都用于否定句中
I'm not gonna beat around the bush about this. 我不想拐弯末角,咱们直奔主题吧。其实呢,跟第一句的意思是一样的。
5.Ride out
Ride out the next couple of years.
Some business owners hope to ride out the storm.