专栏名称: 深圳开放创新实验室
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倒计时2天|Startup Weekend online -可持续发展创新风暴

深圳开放创新实验室  · 公众号  · 科技创业 深圳  · 2021-05-12 17:25


Sustainability Revolution In 5cities
五城联动 可持续发展创新风暴

可持续发展项目,是指联合国可持续发展目标SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)中设计的17个可持续发展目标。这17个可持续发展目标包括: 自然资源与生态、气候变化、清洁能源、碳中和、可持续工业、基础设施创新、政策与法规、社群与推广等等。
Sustainable development projects refer to 17 sustainable development goals designed in the sustainable development goals (sdgs) of the United Nations. The 17 sustainable development goals include: natural resources and ecology, climate change, clean energy, carbon neutrality, sustainable industry, infrastructure innovation, policies and regulations, community and promotion, etc.
The online startupweekend is jointly organized with community partners from Shenzhen, Beijing, Ningbo, Hong Kong and Macao. It not only gathers venture capital resources from these five cities, but also brings participants from these five cities and all over the world.

No talk, all action!
欢迎加入startup weekend大社区!
If you are willing to start a business in the field of sustainable development, Or has been concerned about the field of sustainable development, Or to explore a better way of life for the earth and its surroundings, No talk, all action!
Welcome to the startup weekend community!
Join 54 hours of online innovation storm!

About Startup Weekend

创业周末 是一个54小时的项目,让你身临其境体验创业和激发创新思维。这是一个为技术和非技术创业者们提供体验式教育而设计的活动,以行动、创新和教育为核心,十分紧凑且充实。活动让参加者接受挑战性的任务--去创建一个功能型的创业公司。
Startup Weekend is a 54-hourevent providing an immersive experience into entrepreneurship and innovativethinking. This event is designed to provide superior experiential education fortechnical and non-technical entrepreneurs. Participants are challenged to buildfunctional startups during this intensive program.

创业周末 也是一个全球性的NPO创业组织,由本地志愿者运营,于2007年成立。该组织目前覆盖140多个国家和4,000多个城市。在大中华区,我们在包括香港,澳门和台湾在内的14个城市拥有社区。“给予第一”是我们的核心价值。
Startup Weekend is also an international non-profitentrepreneurial community founded in 2007. This organization covers 140+ countries and 4,000+ city till now. In Greater China our community covers 14+ cities including HK, Macao and Taiwan. “Giver first” is our core value.

🌏 创业周末 还是一个全球生态系统,包括/ StartupWeekend is more over a global ecosystem covers
📍 153 国家 / countries,
🚀 45,375 团队 / teams,
💡 363,000+ 参加者 / attendees,
💸 $410M+募集资金 / funding secured.

创业周末 活动总共54小时,从周五晚上创业点子分享 (pitch)、头脑风暴到周六周日两天的商业模式创立、产品雏形设计和营销方案确立,再到星期天晚上的路演。通过这紧凑的54个小时,参与者共同分享经验,组成团队,并将创业点子转化为可行的产品,最终可能成立自己的团队和新的公司。
Beginning with Friday night pitches and continuing through brainstorming, business plan development, and basic prototype creation, Startup Weekends culminate in Sunday night demos and presentations. Through this compact 54 hours, participants share experiences with others, and turn entrepreneurial ideas into most viable products that may eventually set up their own teams and new companies.

What u can get from Startup Weekend

此次创业周末采取 线上的组织形式 ,我们尽可能在流程上与线下活动保持一致。如果你有一个点子,将会有1分钟的时间让你在所有人面前通过腾讯会议程序演讲展示。
We tried our best to structure the event in a way that's following the similiar process as the offline event.
If you have an idea, you'll be given 1 minute to pitch in front of everyone via Tencent Meetings .
If you don't have an idea, don't worry. You can join other people's team.

Throughout Saturday and Sunday, there will be different workshops and mentoring session to help you consolidate your ideas and prepare for the final pitch!

In short, this weekend you'll be for sure:
- Meeting a group of new friends
- Further develop your ideas
- Learn from mentors, from workshops
- Develop solutions that can help with the new economy we are in
If that's you signup from the QR code below and share it with friends : )
PS: Don't forget to dress up as we will see you live on the video!!!

Mentors & Judges
