专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-01-03 10:10


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,欧洲钢铁工业联盟 Eurofer 公布的最新数据显示, 2019 年前十个月欧盟板材和长材进口量有所下降,但月度进口量波动加剧。

Imports of both flat and long steel reduced during the first ten months of 2019 but became increasingly more volatile on amonthly basis, Kallanish learns from the latest data published by Eurofer.

进口量下降的主要原因是保障机制的实施,以及需求放缓。欧钢联网站上的数据显示, 2019 1-10 月总进口量同比减少 300 万吨至 2220 万吨。

The reduction in imports was caused mainly by the putting in place of the safeguard system, coupled with a slowdown indemand. According to the data on Eurofer website, overall imports during the January-October period lowered by 3 million tonnes year-on-year to 22.2mt.

长材进口量同比减少 130 万吨至 490 万吨,板材进口量减少约 150 万吨至 1720 万吨。

Longs’ imports reduced by 1.3mt y-o-y to4.9mt, while flats’ imports did likewise by some 1.5mt to 17.2mt.

除了总进口量减少之外,保障机制还导致月度进口量波动加剧。例如, 2019 7 月新的配额实施时,板材进口量达到 250 万吨以上,较 6 月翻番还多。 7 月长材进口量创下 110 多万吨的单月历史记录,高于 2007 7 月创下的 100 万吨纪录。

Apart from reducing the overall volumes,the safeguard system nevertheless increased the volatility of the monthly volumes. In July 2019, for example, as new quotas became available, flatimports more than doubled compared with June, to over 2.5mt. Long imports in July marked a historical monthly record at over 1.1mt, above the previous record of 1mt witnessed in July 2007.

2019 年下半年进口量开始放缓。继 7 月猛增之后, 8 月、 9 月和 10 月板材和长材进口量同比均有所下降。 Kallanish 认为,由于欧洲需求未能大幅上升,预计 11 月和 12 月进口量与去年相比将继续走弱。

The slowdown in imports began mainly during the second half of 2019. August, September and October import figures for bothflat and long products all registered a reduction y-o-y following the boom inJuly. November and December imports are also expected to continue to show signs of weakness compared with last year as demand has failed to pick up significantly in Europe, Kallanish notes.




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