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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组:
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1. 重新认识女性为职业发展谈判了什么以及如何谈判
We propose a conceptual framework for expanding the scope of future research on the role of gender in career negotiations. Extant research on gender in career negotiations emphasizes women’s disadvantages relative to men in compensation negotiations. We present an inductive study of what and how women negotiate for career advancement and the attainment of leadership positions in organizations, drawing on data from diverse samples of negotiation accounts by senior executive, mid-level, and early career professionals from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors and six world regions. Integrating insights from six studies, we propose a more comprehensive perspective on what men and women negotiate for career advancement, including their role development and work–family conflicts, as well as compensation. We also identify three distinct negotiating strategies—asking, bending, and shaping—that vary in the extent to which the negotiator conforms to, deviates from, or attempts to redefine organizational norms. Our analyses suggest that the choice of negotiating strategy has implications for men’s and women’s career progression, particularly for women’s navigation of nontraditional career paths and men’s and women’s leadership claiming. We suggest new directions for research on the role of negotiation in career advancement and in promoting and mitigating gender inequality in organizations.
Bowles, H. R., Thomason, B., & Bear, J. B. (2019). Reconceptualizing What and How Women Negotiate for Career Advancement. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1645–1671. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2017.1497
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2. 现场意识形态的集合:
We advance a novel idea-centric perspective to study power-laden aspects of institutional life in fields. Our study includes data from the field of impact investing in Europe from 2006–2018, collected from the inside and analyzed collaboratively by inside and outside researchers. We develop an analytical tool based on dichotomies to detect latent forms of conflict that easily remain unnoticed and to see how some ideas become dominant while others are abandoned or sidelined. We display the assembly of a field ideology—a coherent system of ideas that shapes thinking, reasoning and acting in a field. Furthermore, we specify suppression as a mechanism that gives rise to and perpetuates systemic power infields, restricting options and shaping what is valued. Our study provides insights into the dynamic nature of institutional life in fields, including alternative paths not taken and possible futures.
Hehenberger, L., Mair, J., & Metz, A. (2019). The Assembly of a Field Ideology: An Idea-Centric Perspective on Systemic Power in Impact Investing. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1672–1704. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2017.1402
3. 使不可见的变得可见:
The unique and complex experiences of and challenges for Black women, which are tied to their intersecting marginalized identities, have largely been overlooked in management research. Although Black women are physically visible in that they are different from most of their colleagues, intersectional invisibility research suggests that they can be simultaneously invisible—easily overlooked or disregarded—because they are non-prototypical members of their gender and racial identity groups. To shed new light on the role that intersectional invisibility plays in Black women’s perceptions and experiences, we conducted two waves of in-depth interviews across seven years with 59 Black women who occupy senior-level positions in organizations. We develop a theoretical model to explain the paradoxical effects of executive Black women’s “outsider within “status in which they simultaneously experience opportunities and constraints associated with two forms of intersectional invisibility: benign and hostile. To manage both forms of intersectional invisibility, executive Black Women adopt a number of critical strategies to gain credible visibility needed to ascend in their careers.
Smith, A. N., Watkins, M. B., Ladge, J. J., & Carlton, P. (2019). Making the Invisible Visible: Paradoxical Effects of Intersectional Invisibility on the Career Experiences of Executive Black Women. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1705–1734. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2017.1513
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4. 生态合理性:
Heuristics are often viewed as inferior to “rational” strategies that exhaustively search and process information. Introducing the theoretical perspective of ecological rationality, we challenge this view and argue that, under conditions of uncertainty common to managerial decision making, managers can actually make better decisions using fast-and-frugal heuristics. Within the context of personnel selection, we show that a heuristic called Δ-inference can more accurately predict which of two job applicants would perform better in the future than can logistic regression, a prototypical rational strategy. Using data from 236 applicants at an airline company, we demonstrate, in Study 1, that, despite searching less than half of the cues, Δ-inference leads to more accurate selection decisions than logistic regression. After this existence proof, we examine, in Study 2, the ecological conditions under which the heuristic predicts more accurately than logistic regression using 1,728simulated task environments. Finally, in Study 3, we show in an experiment that participants adapted their strategies to the characteristics of a task—and increasingly so the greater their previous experience in selection decisions. The aim of this article is to propose ecological rationality as an alternative to current views about the nature of heuristics in managerial decisions.
Luan, S., Reb, J., & Gigerenzer, G. (2019). Ecological Rationality: Fast-and-Frugal Heuristics for Managerial Decision Making under Uncertainty. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1735–1759. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2018.0172
5. 动态系统理论和双重变化评分模型:
Empirical research examining team development has long lagged behind purely conceptual work. Moreover, traditional designs and logics frequently employed in the organizational sciences generally preclude the possibility of studying the trajectories of various team properties. This is problematic as continuity, nonlinearity, and within-construct feedback are implicit in many eminent conceptualizations of teams. Hence, the present investigation integrates dynamic logic, theory, and methodology from the discipline of developmental psychology—wherein the nature of the topic has necessitated a more careful examination of change over time—into the organizational literature. As a product of this integration, we propose and test a novel theoretical perspective that provides several contributions to teams research. First, we extend theory that has thus far been primarily used to explain intraindividual development in children to detail three testable principles of dynamism in team properties. Second, and utilizing a within-construct logic, we demonstrate that teams are indeed dynamic systems, but that the extent to which any particular team property may be considered dynamic is contingent upon characteristics of the property itself. Finally, we illustrate how teams’ unique pasts may be leveraged to predict their asymmetric reactions to disruptive events in the future by employing a contemporary modeling technique.
Matusik, J. G., Hollenbeck, J. R., Matta, F. K., & Oh, J. K. (2019). Dynamic Systems Theory and Dual Change Score Models: Seeing Teams through the Lens of Developmental Psychology. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1760–1788. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2017.1358
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6. 通过视觉赋能:
Little is known about how social entrepreneurs try to induce enactment of their cause, especially when this cause is difficult to embrace. Through a longitudinal study, we analyze how anti-plastic pollution social entrepreneurs use multimodal (visual and verbal) interactions to influence their targets and promote their cause. Our findings reveal that these social entrepreneurs use what we call “emotion-symbolic work,” which involves using visuals and words to elicit negative emotions through moral shock, and then transforming those emotions into emotional energy for enactment. The emotional transformation process entails connecting target actors to a cause, a collective identity, and the social entrepreneurs themselves. Our exploration of emotion-symbolic work offers new ways of seeing by emphasizing the use of multimodal interactions to affect emotions in efforts to influence target actors to enact a cause.
Barberá-Tomás, D., Castelló, I., de Bakker, F. G. A., & Zietsma, C. (2019). Energizing through Visuals: How Social Entrepreneurs Use Emotion-Symbolic Work for Social Change. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1789–1817. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2017.1488
7. 为什么要坚持拼命工作(极端工作时长)?
This paper develops temporal uncoupling as a new way of seeing the puzzling persistence of extreme work hours, as well as the temporal relations of organizations and their environments. Drawing on a historical case study, we trace and analyze the genesis, reinforcement, and maintenance of extreme work hours in an elite consulting firm over a period of 40 years. We find that a small shift intemporal structuring mobilized two positive feedback processes. These processes consolidated a temporal order that increasingly uncoupled from the traditional workweek. Grounded in these findings, we make two contributions. First, we challenge the orthodox view of entrainment as an ideal synchronous relation between organizations and their environments. Instead, we offer temporal uncoupling as an alternative lens. It enables us to see how both synchrony and asynchrony are potentially viable options, which coexist and sometimes coconstitute each other. Second, we shed new light on temporality as a constitutive force that underpins extreme work hours and offer a novel explanation of their persistence as a case of systemic temporal lock-in. We develop positive feedback as a mechanism that explains how small temporal shifts can become consolidated into hardly reversible temporal lock-ins.
Blagoev, B., & Schreyögg, G. (2019). Why Do Extreme Work Hours Persist? Temporal Uncoupling as a New Way of Seeing. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1818–1847. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2017.1481
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8. 喜悦能帮助筹到钱吗?
Does displaying positive emotions (e.g., joy) during a funding pitch help an entrepreneur gain more financial support? Past research has approached this question mostly by treating emotional displays as static and focusing on the overall or average levels of displayed emotions. However, emotional displays are temporally dynamic and more salient in some moments or phases than others. Drawing from gestalt characteristics and event system theories, we take adynamic approach to examine the “peak” moments of entrepreneurs’ displayed joy—specifically, the strength and duration of peak displayed joy during different phases of a pitch. We analyzed data from over eight million frames in1,460 pitch videos, using the latest facial expression analysis technology. The findings unveil the benefit of pitching with a greater level of peak displayed joy, especially during the beginning and ending phases of a pitch. Moreover, the amount of time an entrepreneur spends at the peak level of his or her displayed joy has an inverted U-shaped relationship with funding performance. This research highlights not only the importance of investigating emotion temporal dynamics in the interpersonal context, but also the unique research opportunities provided by facial expression analyses in understanding complex management phenomena.
Jiang, L., Yin, D., & Liu, D. (2019). Can Joy Buy You Money? The Impact of the Strength, Duration, and Phases of an Entrepreneur’s Peak Displayed Joy on Funding Performance. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1848–1871. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2017.1423
9. 您看不到的内容可能会伤害您:
The awareness–motivation–capability (AMC) framework instructs firms to be aware of rivals, yet it offers limited guidance on how to profile those who are not yet rivals but stand to become so. Because rivals are embedded in dyads, triads, retransmit., a multilevel view can unearth awareness cues that specify a hostility profile and make the awareness construct prescient. Studying thousands of competitive encounters over 10 years, we show that, at the firm and dyad levels, diversification and asymmetric pressure (differential exposure to competitive pressure) are reliable cues predicting competitive encounters. At the network level, convergence drives triadic encounters (competition with arrival’s rival), and the degree of separation among indirect competitors defines the outer bounds of the hostility profile. Specifically, direct rivals and second- and third-degree indirect competitors merit awareness—more distal players do not. Together, the awareness cues and hostility profile delineate the conceptual bound within which awareness is prescient and beyond which it is misplaced. Challenging several assumptions, our study shows that an arena view assists in predicting cross-industry competition; applying firm, dyad, and network levels of analysis is advisable to better foresee competition; and indirect competitors are “profitable,” allowing us to “see” rivals even before they strike.
Downing, S. T., Kang, J.-S., & Markman, G. D. (2019). What You Don’t See Can Hurt You: Awareness Cues to Profile Indirect Competitors. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1872–1900. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2018.0048
10. 从动作到路径再到模式化:
This paper demonstrates a new way of seeing and theorizing about the dynamics of organizational routines through the concept of paths—time-ordered sequences of actions or events in performing work. Empirically and conceptually, paths provide the missing link between specific actions and patterns of action. When routines are represented as a narrative network, tracing the formation and dissolution of action paths can generate new insights about the dynamic patterning of actions in routine performances. We traced action paths using longitudinal field data from a videogame development project, and found that action patterns change dramatically over time based on the needs of the project. We explain these changes in terms of generic mechanisms that lead to the enactment of more (or fewer) paths in the narrative network. We propose that patterning can be seen as a new motor of routine dynamics and discuss generic mechanisms through which patterning can influence narrative network structure.
Goh, K. T., & Pentland, B. T. (2019). From Actions to Paths to Patterning: Toward a Dynamic Theory of Patterning in Routines. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1901–1929. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2018.0042
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11. 构建遥远的未来:
We develop the concept of the distant future as a new way of seeing the future in collective efforts. While a near future is represented in practical terms and concerned with forming expectations and goals under conditions of uncertainty, a distant future is represented in stylized terms and concerned with imagining possibilities under conditions of ambiguity. Management research on future-oriented action has developed around problems of the near future. To explore distant futures, we analyze the case of geoengineering, a set of planetary-scale technologies that have been proposed as solutions to the threat of climate change. Geoengineering has increasingly been treated as if it were a reality, despite continued controversy and the absence of any implementation. We find that societal-level imaginaries that were built on deeply held molasses and cosmologies underpinned the conception of geoengineering, and that a dialectic process of discursive attempts to reconcile oppositional imaginaries increased the concreteness and credibility of geoengineering so that it has increasingly been treated as an “as-if” reality. We suggest that distant futures orient collective efforts in distinctive ways, not as concrete guides for action but by expressing critiques and alternatives, that can become treated as as-if realities.