专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-01-15 09:23


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉, 2019 12 27 日在墨西哥联邦官方公报 (DOF) 上发布的一份文件显示,墨西哥经济部 (SE) 在其正在进行的反倾销调查期间,对从中国进口的钢管结构实施了临时补偿性配额。

Mexico’s Secretary of Economy (SE) hasimposed provisional compensatory quotas on Chinese imports of tubularsteel structures during its ongoing anti-dumping investigation. Thisis according to a document published in the country’s Official Gazette ofthe Federation (DOF) on 27 December 2019, monitored by Kallanish .

该产品用于能源部门的风力机塔架建设,海关编码为 8502.31.01

The product is used in the construction ofsteel wind turbine towers for the energy sector and is classified under HScode 8502.31.01.

SE 对天顺新能源实施的补偿性配额为 41.22% ,泰胜风能的补偿性配额为 69.21% ,蓬莱大金的补偿性配额为 66.49% 。澄西和所有其他中国出口公司的配额为 143.06%

The SE has placed compensatory quota of41.22 % for imports from Chinese Titan New, 69.21 % for Taisheng Wind and 66.49% for Penglai Dajin. It has also imposed a 143.06 % quota for entries fromChengxi and all other Chinese exporting companies.

此次反倾销调查是在当地生产商 Arcosa Industries de México Speco Wind Power 提出申诉后,于 2019 4 16 日启动的。调查期为 2017 8 1 日至 2018 7 31 日。

The anti-dumping investigation was launched on 16 April 2019 after a complaint by local producers ArcosaIndustries de México and Speco Wind Power. The period of investigation isbetween 1 August 2017 and 31 July 2018.



Asia Steel Markets 2020
