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房地产典评  · 公众号  · 房地产  · 2018-01-30 17:45




Stanford Residences Annual Appreciation Dinner, Ms Chrisce Lee,

K WAH (CHINA) Investment Co Ltd Marketing Promotion Assistant General Manager  gave a speech

2018年1月25日,上海 —— 2017年,香港房地产行业领导者嘉华国际集团有限公司(简称: 嘉华国际 ,香港股权代码:0173)旗下高端服务式公寓品牌——尚臻持续发力,陆续推出两大服务式公寓项目—— 尚臻徐汇、尚臻金桥 ;且市场表现继续领跑沪上市场,尚臻静安整体及尚臻徐汇 首批公寓出租率皆已达9成 ;尚臻金桥推出不到半年亦收获众多高端人士和家庭青睐。延续良好的发展态势, 2018年上半年,尚臻徐汇另外2栋大楼将加速推出。

January 25, 2018, Shanghai - In 2017, Stanford Residences, a high-end serviced apartment brand of  Hong Kong real estate industry leader K. Wah International Group Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: KWIH , Hong Kong Equity Code: 0173), continue to exerting force, launched two major serviced apartment projects--Stanford Residences Xu Hui and Stanford Residences Jin Qiao; and its market performance continues to lead the Shanghai market, the rental rate has reached 90% in Stanford Residences Jing An and the first batch of apartments of Stanford Residences Xu Hui; and half year after the launch of Stanford Residences Jin Qiao, it has become popular among many elites and high-end families. To continue this good development momentum, in the first half of 2018, Stanford Residences Xu Hui will accelerate the launch of another 2 buildings.

受到政策及市场的影响, “房住不炒、租售并举” 成未来地产发展新方向,而根据最新推出的《2017国民安居报告》显示,伴随消费升级,消费者在选择居住空间时,越来越注重人本层面的宜居价值和复合居住需求。由此可见,高品质服务式公寓将成未来发展趋势,而尚臻的精品打造策略恰恰与这一趋势相符, 秉持“尚悦生活,臻享隽致”的理念 ,尚臻服务式公寓 将居住从单纯的“人住”提升到 “人居”层面,打造高品质居住体验。

Affected by the policy and market, "stem real estate speculation, encourage both housing purchase and renting" has become the future development direction of real estate, and according to the latest 2017 National Housing Report shows that, along with consumption upgrades, in the choice of living space, consumers will pay more and more attention to livable value and compound residential needs. This shows that high-quality serviced apartments will become the future development trend, and Stanford Residences’ boutique strategy is precisely consistent with this trend, upholding the concept of Where Enchanted Living Comes Together, Stanford Residences upgrades the human settlements to the level of lifestyle, to create a high-quality living experience.

嘉华(中国)投资有限公司副董事李志贤先生 表示:“作为高端服务式公寓的代表,我们始终致力于为国内外高端旅居家庭提供一个异地之‘家’,从选址、户型设计、优质服务、社区文化等方面都会考虑到家庭因素,并不断创新探索,满足租户个性化高品质的居住需求,成为更多旅居人士在上海的首选‘品质家’。”

Mr. Leo Lee, deputy director of K. Wah Group (China) Investment Limited, said, "As a representative of high-end serviced apartments, we have always been committed to providing a ‘home’for high-end traveling family at home and abroad, from the location, floor plan design, quality service, community culture and other aspects we will take into account the family factors, and constantly innovate and explore, to meet the tenants personalized high-quality residential needs, to become the preferred quality home for more expatriates in Shanghai. ”
