专栏名称: 独霸上海的妖怪
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独霸上海的妖怪  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-03-24 22:55


本周份的更新。本期文章选自《经济学人》2019年2月21日的Business专栏,文章主题是经久不衰的热点话题——无人驾驶汽车。我们普遍都认为年轻人更容易接受高科技,但美国硅谷的一家自动驾驶汽车公司发现,对自动驾驶汽车接受度最高的竟然是退休社区的老人。本文作者对此展开了详细的分析,为读者提供了崭新的视角。这篇文章也是精读社的选文,文章用词相对简单,但论述简洁有力,干脆利落,值得我们模仿学习, 在这里放上主体段落第二段, 供大家参考学习。

最近后台很多小伙伴在问新一期精读社的报名时间,这里统一回复一下:新一期精读社会在 3月26日(周二)早上10:30准时开始招 新,欢迎大家参加,名额有限,大家记得订好闹钟⏰




First, the environment is simpler and easier for an av to navigate than a bustling city centre.  Speed limits are lower, road layouts are less complex and there are fewer other vehicles. Second, there is strong demand for mobility. Active retirees want the ability to get around but they may not want the expense and hassle of owning a car. For residents who are unable or have lost the confidence to drive, summoning a vehicle when needed has obvious appeal. Prototype avs have attracted criticism and outright hostility from locals in some parts of America. Voyage has been warmly welcomed in The Villages, says Mr Cameron.


First, the environment is simpler and easier for an av to navigate than a bustling city centre. Speed limits are lower, road layouts are less complex and there are fewer other vehicles. Second, there is strong demand for mobility . Active retirees wa nt the ability to get around but they may not want the expense and hassle of owning a car. For residents who are unable or have lost the confidence to drive, summoning a vehicle when needed has obvious appeal. Prototype avs have attracted criticism and outright hostility from locals in some parts of America. Voyage has been warmly welcomed in The Villages, says Mr Cameron.

  • 📒 语篇分析: 第二段论述退休社区更适合无人驾驶汽车的第一、二个原因。 句提出原因一:退休社区的环境更适合无人驾驶汽车。 句从车速限制、道路布局和车辆数量三个方面论证 句观点。 句提出原因二:退休社区出行需求大。 句分类展开,将老人分为两种类型,分别分析两种老人的出行需求,支撑 句观点。 句对比论证,通过对比无人驾驶汽车在美国其他地区和在退休社区收到的不同反馈,说明退休社区十分适合无人驾驶汽车。

  • av 为autonomous vehicle的简称,指“自动驾驶汽车“。

  • navigate 本义是“导航;确定方向”,常引申为“驾驭,应付(困难复杂的情况)” (to understand or deal with something complicated) 。比如《经济学人》一篇关于终身学习的文章提到: Not everyone will successfully navigate the shifting jobs market. 并非每个人都能成功应付正在变化的就业市场。再比如《纽约时报》一篇关于特朗普外交政策提到: Most foreign leaders are still trying to get a handle on him. Everywhere I go, I’m still getting asked, ‘Help us understand this president, help us navigate this situation.’ 大部分外国领导人仍在努力理解他的意思。无论走到哪里,都有人要求“帮我们了解这位总统,帮我们度过目前的局面。” [熟词僻义]

  • bustling 指“繁华的,热闹的” (full of people moving about in a busy way) ,常用于形容词城市,比如北京和上海就可称为bustling cities。 bustling 来自于 bustle bustle 作名词讲有一个很形象的表达 hustle and bustle ,指城市的喧嚣扰攘。比如忙碌的城市生活使很多人精疲力竭: The hustle and bustle of city life fatigues many people. bustle 也可作动词,短语 be bustling with 相当于be crowded with,指“挤满”,比如 ◇The flower market was bustling with shoppers. 花市里熙熙攘攘,挤满顾客。 [写作推荐]

  • speed limit 指道路的“最高车速限制” (the highest speed at which you can legally drive on a particular road)。

  • road layout 指“道路布局”。 layout 义为“设计;布局” (the way in which the parts of sth such as the page of a book, a garden or a building are arranged)

  • 动词短语 lay out sth 也是外刊中的高频词,含义比较丰富,主要有两层:

  • 1.指“阐述,讲解” (To lay out ideas, principles, or plans means to explain or present them clearly, for example in a document or a meeting) ,比如《经济学人》一篇讲医疗数据的文章提到: On January 24th Apple laid out its plans to ask organisations to let patients use their smartphones to download their own medical records. 1月24日,苹果公司发布了一项计划,鼓励各大医疗机构允许患者使用智能手机下载自己的病历。短语 lay out a plan to do sth 是政治类文章的高频词,需牢记。

  • 2.指“花钱” (to spend money, especially a lot of money) ,尤其是很多钱,比如 ◇You won't have to lay out a fortune for this dining table. 你不必为这张餐桌花一大笔钱。

  • There is (a) strong/huge/great demand for sth. …的需求量很大。

  • mobility 义为“活动性;灵活性” (the ability to move or travel around easily) ,这里指退休人士的自由出行。

  • retirees 与前 面的the retired和retired people互为同义替换。

  • the ability to get around 指“能够四处走动”, 与上文的mobility互为同义 替换。

  • the expense and hassle of s th 指“…的开销和麻烦”,这是个惯用词组,大家可以背下来,比如谈到跟共享汽车的好处, 我们可以说 Car-sharing enables customers to save on the expense and hassle of owing a car. [写作推荐]

  • hassle 指“麻烦;繁琐” (a situation that is annoying because it involves doing sth difficult or complicated that needs a lot of effort) ,比如《经济学人》一篇关于电子书的文章提到: The internet enables people to sell their e-books and print books without the hassle of directing people to their homes or trying to get bookstores to display them. 有了互联网,人们可以出售自己写的电子书,也可以印刷出书,而不需要再费力告诉别人去自己家的路线,或者想办法让书店愿意展示推介自己的书。

  • 我们可从这句话提炼出一个句型: sth enables sb to do sth without the hassle of sth. 比如套用在这篇文章的话题里,我们可以说 Autonomous vehicles enable active retirees to get around without the hassle of owning a car.

  • hassle 也可作动词,指“纠缠,烦扰,不断打扰”,比如《经济学人》一篇讲人工智能招聘的文章提到: Hassledrecruiters have to sort through reams of applications that vastly outnumber the jobs available. 心烦意乱的招聘人员必须要翻阅数量远超过空缺职位的大批简历。

  • summon 义为“叫车”,类似于我们学过的动词 hail

  • when needed 在这里省略了主语和谓语,还原回来是when a vehicle is needed。

  • appeal 此处作不可数名词,相当于attraction,指“吸引力”。

  • appeal 也可作动词, appeal to sb 相当于attract / interest sb,指吸引某人兴趣,比如
