专栏名称: 设计诗designer
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October Design Studio丨极简的优雅

设计诗designer  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2024-09-26 08:08


October Design Studio

这家立陶宛设计工作室由Ingrida bieliauskkv于2016年创立。我们设计私人住宅,公寓,以及公共房间和公共场所。我们的基本原则是为每个客户提供个性化的方法,以及高质量。

The Lithuanian design studio was founded by Ingrida Bieliauskė in 2016.  We design private houses, apartments, as well as public rooms and public places .  Our basic principles imply an individual approach to each customer, as well as high quality.

This interior is designed based on a gallery concept, giving the spaces a minimalist yet refined character.  In the main areas – the hallway, kitchen, and living room – light grey tones dominate, subtly paired with various wall and floor textures.  A key feature is the semicircular, light blue natural stone bar, complemented by artworks from various artists that will further enrich this space in the future.

The entire apartment is unified by stainless steel details, which are repeated in the furniture elements, shelves, and accessories, bringing modernity and visual coherence to the space.

The bedroom and bathroom contrast with the grey communal areas, featuring a predominantly white color palette with a few accent hues.The shower area in the bathroom showcases tiles created by FormaFantasma design studio, coated in volcanic ash glaze, highlighting the artistic expression both visually and through the senses.

The small yet cozy bedroom stands out with light colors and functional design – the bed and wardrobe are crafted as a unified piece, ensuring practicality and aesthetic cleanliness. The headboard’s color echoes the tiles in the bathroom, creating a subtle connection between the spaces.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :Design Poem
图片版权 Copyright :October Design Studio



MCO studio小红书


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