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EHSCity  · 公众号  · 社会安全  · 2017-09-11 10:54






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The following werethe key health and safety elements and written programs we developed for XXX Medical Center:

  1. 1.     MedicalCenter Health and Safety Policy andStatement


  1. 2.     EmployeeInvolvement


  • Healthand SafetyCommittee

  • BehavioralBased SafetyProgram

  • HazardRecognition andIdentification


  • Hazard Communication. This standard was designed to ensurethat employees know about hazardous chemicals in the hospital and how toprotect themselves. Employees who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals in theworkplace must prepare and implement a written Hazard Communication Program andcomply with other requirements of thestandard.

  • Bloodborne Pathogens program. This program was to protectemployees from the health hazards of exposure to bloodbornepathogens.

  • Ionizing Radiation Safety. This standard applied tofacilities that have an x-ray machine. It required HSE department to conduct asurvey of the types of radiation used in the facility, including x-rays, todesignate restricted areas to limit employee exposure, and to require employeesworking in designated areas to wear personal radiationmonitors.

Exit RoutesStandards. Hospital must comply with OSHA's requirements for exit routes in theworkplace


  • Electrical Safety. Electrical hazards, such as wiringdeficiencies, were one of the hazards most frequently cause for injury. Theelectrical safety program included design requirements for electrical systemsand safety-related workpractices.

  • Medical and First Aid Standard. The hospital was required toprovide medical and first-aid personnel and supplies commensurate with thehazards of theworkplace.

  • Ergonomic hazards. Some of the major ergonomic stressors atthe hospital included lifting and repositioning patients and liftingmaterials.

  • Slips, Trips, and Falls. Slips, trips, and falls of employeesand patients were among the leading causes of injuries in health carefacilities.

  • Influenza

  • Tuberculosis

  • Compressedgas andEquipment

  • Laserhazards

  • Vehicletrafficsafety

  • Patienttransfer safetyprogram

  • EmergencyResponse


  • Emergency Action Plan. An Emergency Action Plan in hospitaldescribed the actions employees and patients should take to ensure their safetyin a fire or other emergencysituation.

  • Fire Safety Program. The fire prevention plan was mandatorywhen required by an OSHA standard.

  • Emergencyresponsehazards

  • IndustrialHygiene Exposure Assessment andManagement


  • Employeesand patients exposureassessment

  • Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Plan. The Monitoring Planincluded the air, noise, and radiation, and biohazardmonitoring.

  • IndustrialHygiene Reporting andCommunication

  • LabSafetyProgram

  • Hazardousdrugs

  • Chemicalhazards.  Health care employees may beexposed to a variety of chemicals on thejob.

  • Hazardouschemicals inlaboratories.

  • HospitalAccidentInvestigations:


  • Healthand safetyHazards

  • TypicalHazards and HealthEffects

  • InvestigationGuidelines

  • HazardsControls andPrevention


  • Labventilation system andinspection

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Hospital had to performan assessment of each operation in their workplace to determine if theiremployees are required to wearPPE.

  • Workplace violence. Health care workers faced a significantrisk of job-related violence. The hospital was to establish violence preventionprograms and to track their progress in reducing work-relatedassaults.

  • BiologicalAgents--Blood and BodyFluids

  • ChemicalAgents

  • PhysicalAgents

  • ErgonomicsRiskFactors

  • Trainand Education for Employees andPatients


  • Employeetrainingrequirements

  • Newhireorientation

  • Patentseducationposting

  • Recordkeeping,Reporting, andPosting


  • Recordkeeping.

  • ReportingFatalities and SevereInjuries

  • OSHA Poster. Hospital must post the OSHA Poster (or stateplan equivalent) in a prominent location in theworkplace

  • Accessto Employee Exposure and MedicalRecords.

  • Healthand Safety SystemImprovement


  • H&S Audit system. The system was established with aquantitative ranking system to reflect the status of element implementation.Any findings would be reviewed by the head of department and indicated as partof the department’sKPI.

  • Any discrepancies would be placed on the next quarter or yearhealth and safety improvement plan.

Health and SafetyComplianceInspections