专栏名称: 米拍
米拍,就做新青年,就要玩摄影! 不要墨守成规,不要千篇一律,年轻没有什么不可以!
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米拍  · 公众号  · 摄影  · 2017-08-09 19:55




策展人:Gwen Lee

8 Books

from Asia

在2016年的春季, 新加坡独立艺术摄影空间-DECK,举办了“1001 Steidl Books”。配合这次的展览,DECK和德国著名出版社史泰德邀请了亚洲各地的艺术家投稿参与史泰德亚洲书奖的比赛。原本只计划颁发一个奖项但格哈德·史泰德最终从众多投稿中选出了八位获奖者。

“这次收到的投稿内容都非常丰富和多样化,令人惊艳。要从中挑选一个获奖者是不公平的。”- 史泰德在2017年1月至7月期间,八位亚洲摄影师与DECK创始人Gwen Lee,以及WERK创意总监Theseus Chan陆续抵达德国哥廷根的史泰德出版社,协力出版摄影书籍。

史泰德亚洲书奖以书形式呈现当代摄影界中的新想法。书奖的目标是要在亚洲艺术印刷界内创造一个能够激发创意与独特风格的平台。 获奖的八本书反映了现代亚洲的动态与色彩,表达出个人轶事与记忆里的画面、对于环境的关心、有关文化习俗的了解以及面对社会变革的问题。 这些作品鼓励我们重新审视当代亚洲的状态,同时也让我们拥有自由的空间去设立自己的立场和观点。


In the spring of 2016 the exhibition “1001 Steidl Books” was held at DECK in Singapore, an independent art photography space. On the occasion of the exhibition, artists from across Asia were invited to submit book dummies for the Steidl Book Award Asia. A single award was planned, but from the many books Gerhard Steidl finally chose eight: “The submissions were all so strong, so surprising and varied, that it would have been unfair to just choose one.”Together with the founder and director of DECK Gwen Lee, and the creative director of WERK Theseus Chan, the eight photographers came to Steidl in Göttingen between January and July 2017 to make their books.

The Steidl Book Award Asia uncovers new photographic voices and presents them in book form. Our aim is to spur original and creative ideas for printed matter throughout Asia. The winning eight books reflect the dynamic spectrum of Asia today, touching on personal anecdotes and memory, environmental concerns, cultural practices and issues of social change. These books give us a telegraphic pair of eyes to re-examine contemporary Asia and to arrive at our own understandings, at our own pace.

In the upcoming Dali International Photography Exhibition, the 8 photographers will exhibit their photographic works along with the photobooks. Accompanying the exhibition is a series of presentation by the photographers on the concept and process behind their photobooks.



摄影师: Broy Lim

文字: Broy Lim

图书设计: Broy Lim、Duncan Whyte

这本有关性的书主要探索了Broy Lim如何在自己的家乡新加坡意识到自己的同性取向的。目前在新加坡,同性恋依然是不合法的。




This intimate book explores Broy Lim’s realization of his homosexuality in his hometown of Singapore, where it still remains illegal. Combining personal texts and photos, and now they know narrates Lim’s sexual identity and his nine-year relationship with his partner, while also representing the broader struggle of many youths who navigate their sense of self in conservative heteronormative societies.

Lim begins the book with handwritten texts that establish his confessional tone: “My truth has always been an untouchable, unspeakable illusion / I want to be unlimited too … I want to ascend to your paradise, to escape this inferno.” Such thoughts reoccur and give autobiographic nuance to his suggestive, hushed photos which include self-portraits, still lifes and landscapes. This lyrical interplay between text and image captures a sense of the often unspoken norms which Lim has overcome and his “open secret” that for many years even his family could only speculate on.

I know you can see the lie I’m living. Even if your silent approval or nonchalance were a lie, let me indulge in this secret, and pretend that you will let me.



摄影师: Jake Verzosa

文字:François Cheval、Natividad Sugguiyao、Jake Verzosa

插图: Christina DyBook

设计: Jake Verzosa、Karl Castro、Theseus Chan、Duncan Whyte

由Jake Verzosa 拍摄的人像系列作品《卡林加最后一位纹身女人》,表达了他对位于菲律宾北部科迪勒拉山脉中一个小村庄里即将消亡的纹身传统的感叹与赞美。一千年来,卡林加省的女人们都将这些像蕾丝一样的图案(或称batok)深深地印在她们的皮肤上,象征着美丽、富足、名誉及勇气。作为痛苦仪式的一部分,这些生动的纹身——一些图案的抽象形式,例如:蕨类植物、水稻束、蜈蚣和流动的河水——都反映了一种传承的习俗以及和自然紧密的联系。然而如今,由于审美的改变,这种自我装扮的复杂形式已经被绝大多数人所摒弃。



The Last Tattooed Women of Kalinga presents a series of portraits by Jake Verzosa who laments and celebrates a dying tradition of tattooing in villages throughout the Cordillera mountains in the northern Philippines. For nearly a thousand years the Kalinga women have proudly worn these lace-like patterns or batok on their skin as symbols of beauty, wealth, stature and fortitude. Applied as part of a painful ritual, the vivid tattoos— abstractions of motifs such as ferns, rice bundles, centipedes and flowing rivers—reflect a rite of passage and a powerful bond with nature. Yet today this intricate form of self-adornment has largely been abandoned due to changing aesthetic perceptions.

Between 2009 and 2013, Verzosa traveled extensively to document the last generation of women with the batok. The resulting pictures reveal the artistic designs of the tattoos, as well as their symbolic functions as signs of social belonging and testimonies to personal struggle and triumph in which the skin becomes a “story.” Accompanying Verzosa’s portraits is a detailed illustrated glossary of the tattoo types and their meanings.

My goal for this project was not just to document the last remaining tattooed women from my region but also to reverse the changing perceptions of beauty among the Kalinga. These tattoos were once symbols of beauty, wealth and honor, but today most see them are seen as an ancient, barbaric stigma.



摄影师: Kapil Das

图书设计: Kapil Das、Theseus Chan、Duncan Whyte

《一目了然的事》是Kapil Das对那些定义印度的模式化形象和成见的耐心回顾。该书由从过去近十年内拍摄的数千张照片中严格挑选的照片组成,通过自然风景照、街道景观照、人像照和日常生活场景照全方位地展示印度。其中包括携带垫子的男子、停歇在树叶上的甲虫这种看似很简单的照片。



作为一个擅长讲故事的人,Kapil Das利用照片影像展现了自己的一段生活经历。当Kapil坚定地注视着一样东西时,既不代表他害羞,也不代表他喜欢多愁善感。相反,他只是想揭开面纱、用幽默和尖锐的手法展现自己的生活。Devika Daulet-Singh是Photoink的创始人。

Something So Clear is Kapil Das’ patient look behind the visual clichés and stereotypes that have come to define India. Consisting of a tight edit from thousands of photos taken over nearly one decade, the book shows the spectrum of India through land- and streetscapes, portraits and everyday happenings, some as deceptively simple as a man carrying a mattress or a beetle resting on a leaf.

Sequenced not chronologically or geographically but by intuition, humor and mood, Something So Clear is an archive of impressions that embraces the chaos of life and contains images that in Das’ words are “from a place but not of a place.”

While trained as an ethnologist, Das casts aside a strictly analytical approach to capture ephemeral encounters in photos he deems “psychological portals” into his subjects’ (and his own) self. Serendipity not certainty guides Das and makes the title of this book delightfully ironic: “something so clear” is an alluring yet unreachable ideal.

As a raconteur, Kapil Das employs the photographic image to reveal an abstracted experience of his life. Kapil’s unflinching gaze is neither shy nor interested in exploring any sentimentality. Instead, he offers a view of his life, skinned to its bones and laced with both humor and poignancy. Devika Daulet-Singh, founder of Photoink.



摄影师: Park Jongwoo

文字: Park Jongwoo

图书设计: Park Jongwoo、Theseus Chan

该书是一本由Park Jongwoo创作的关于朝韩非军事区的图片合集。朝韩非军事区是划分朝鲜与韩国界限的一片狭长的土地。这条位于两国之间的缓冲带约248公里长、4公里宽,距离首尔60公里。尽管名叫非军事区,该地区实则是世界上军事化程度最高的边界区域之一,自1953年朝鲜战争结束以来一直处于严格的休战状态。



This book is Park Jongwoo’s photo-documentation of the Demilitarized Zone or DMZ of Korea, the strip of land dividing North and South Korea. About 248 km long, 4 km wide, and 60 km from Seoul, this buffer zone between the two countries is, despite its name, one of the most militarized borders in the world, operating under strict armistice conditions following the end of the Korean War in 1953.

In 2009 the South Korean Ministry of National Defense invited Jongwoo to document the DMZ, an area normally inaccessible to civilians and of which no comprehensive photographic record existed. Jongwoo did so rigorously until 2012, although the project proved a complex administrative undertaking involving detailed negotiations and planning. An unlikely tension energizes Jongwoo’s series: the contrast between military presence (seen through barbed wire, outposts, and armed troops which have led to sporadic violence), and the natural beauty of the DMZ. For the isolation of this diverse landscape has allowed it to largely revert to its original state; today it is recognized as one of the world’s best preserved temperate habitats and home to several endangered species of flora and fauna.

The war is over, but our national division is not. As a photographer living in the world’s only divided country, I’ve felt the peaceful but strange atmosphere inside the DMZ. The endless barbed-wire fences not only bordering North and South but also drawing a psychological boundary between both citizens of segregated Korea.



摄影师 赵仁辉

(Robert Zhao)

文字: 赵仁辉

(Robert Zhao)

图书设计: H55





To what extent can we trust photography and science? Robert Zhao Renhui explores these questions in A Guide to the Flora and Fauna of the World, which appears to be an authentic catalogue of plants and animals but is in fact entirely fictitious.

Renhui’s guide ostensibly “documents” 55 different animals, plants and environments that have been manipulated by man but do not appear to be, and examines the myriad ways in which humans are altering nature. Here are curious creatures that have evolved in often unexpected ways to cope with our changing world, including rhinoceroses with barely visible horns and monkeys dependent on food handed out by humans. Other organisms in the series are the products of human intervention, mutations engineered to serve various purposes from scientific research to the desire for ornamentation, such as man-made gelatin grapes, genetically modified tomatoes and “unbreakable” eggs.

All living things constantly adapt to the various pressures they face including predators, pollution and environmental change. Yet the human species has undeniably emerged as the main perpetrator of the dangers that threaten the survival of other life forms. A Guide to the Flora and Fauna of the World reminds us of this fact, and above all to retain a critical, cautious and ironic attitude to the “real.”

Primarily photographic, Zhao’s practice is drawn from observations and research into the natural world. But it is not direct documentation; instead, he constructs and layers the subject with narratives, interweaving the real and the fictional, sowing a seed of doubt in viewers about the objectivity of the image before them.



摄影师: Woong Soak Teng

文字: Woong Soak Teng

图书设计: Woong Soak Teng、Theseus Chan和Holger Feroudj

2015年8月到12月间,Woong Soak Teng探访了人造花园城市新加坡,并拍下了这些被木桩支撑的树木。正如世界其他许多城市一样,新加坡也进行了城市规划,通过把树木移栽到合适的位置来营造都市风景。为了营造一个多产而具有审美趣味的生活环境,长久以来人们都在把自然改造成自己期待的模样。

这部作品以树木各种各样的(甚至是奇怪的)艺术捆扎方式为特点,展现出与树木及其不受关注的支撑结构的亲密接触。如今树木和它的支撑结构都已成为人类生活环境中不可缺失的一部分。Woong Soak Teng坚持基于树木的位置对其进行详细正面地描绘,这让她的作品具有了地形意义,从而为主题赋予了几近抽象的优雅感。


Between August and December 2015, Woong Soak Teng explored the man-made garden city of Singapore and made portraits of its staked trees. As in many cities around the world, here trees are uprooted and relocated to conform to a controlled cityscape determined by urban planning. As part of an attempt to construct productive and aesthetic living environments for ourselves, nature has long since been subjected to manipulation at the mercy of human hands.

Featuring a diversity of (sometimes unorthodox) approaches to the art of tree-tying, this book presents an intimate encounter with the trees and their much-overlooked supporting structures, which have become an integral element of the human habitat. Teng’s consistent, frontal approach and detailed captions based on the trees’ locations lend her works a topographical quality which complements the almost abstract elegance of her subjects.

"Tree staking is ubiquitous yet largely unnoticed. Just like our innate human instinct to control."



摄影师: Yukari Chikura

文字: Yukari Chikura

图书设计: Yukari Chikura、Theseus Chan、Yumi Goto和Holger Feroudj

Yukari Chikura的这部作品记录了有着1,300年历史的日本传统庆典仪式“祭堂”。在经历了父亲猝死、自身的危机事件和2011年日本本州岛海域地震这一连串悲剧后,Chikura回想起父亲在梦中对她说过的话:“去我很久以前呆过的、藏在白雪深处的村庄吧。”因此她拿上相机,带着朝圣般的心情(第一次带着这种心情的旅行)前往日本的东北部,最后完成了这部作品。这个村庄在白雪和雾气的笼罩下呈现出一种梦幻般的银色,Chikura就是在这里中发现了祭堂。每年1月2日,来自不同村落的居民聚集在一起,以祭祀舞蹈来祈祷获得来年的好运,这便是被称为“祭堂”的祭祀活动。表演者们通过神圣的舞蹈来供奉神明,并接受彻底的净化。通过抽象的雪景照片与祭堂表演所用的复杂精细的面具及服装照片的结合,Chikura描绘出了祭堂活动参与者们的文化多样性以及他们创造集体记忆、保证祭堂传承的共同心愿。


This book is Yukari Chikura’s preservation of the 1300-year-old Japanese ritual festivity “Zaido.” Following a series of tragedies including her father’s sudden death, her own critical accident and the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, Chikura recalls how her father came to her in a dream with the words: “Go to the village hidden deep in the snow where I lived a long time ago.” And so with camera in hand she set off on a restorative pilgrimage to northeast Japan (the first of numerous journeys), which resulted in this book.Chikura arrived at the village, surreally silver in the snow and mist, and there discovered Zaido, where inhabitants from different villages gather on the second day of each new year and conduct a ritual dance to induce good fortune. The performers dedicate their sacred dance to the gods and undergo severe purifications. Combining photos of snowscapes that border on abstraction with images of the intricate masks and costumes of Zaido, Chikura depicts the cultural diversity of the participants as well as their common bond in creating collective memory and ensuring the survival of this ritual.

The sight of these people—who overcome all obstacles, who stand up over and over again after every fall, all for the sake of protecting something so precious and vital— has given me the courage and hope to live again.
