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口语真题虐炼 | No.11 年轻人,你选择积极运动,还是佛系养生?

TFT小组  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2019-12-04 19:30


独立口语中,运动也是一个常青话题。 运动类的独立口语,一般以教育和运动相结合的形式出现。 具体来说,通常会问教育对孩子成长的影响。 这些“运动类”的题目究竟该如何应对呢?

具体怎么作答呢? 来和TFT君一起探究吧~

来自10月【语料虐炼】Day4 Task:Freestyle真题演练:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Participating in team sports is a good way for young person to learn team cooperation. (2017年9月30日)



在体育运动中,我们除了可以strengthen our body or relax ourselves, 还可以磨练我们的品性。
常,体育运动能带来的美好品质有: communication skills沟通技能; team spirit团队精神; positive attitudes积极向上的态度; perseverance毅力; patience耐心; focus专注能力; self-confidence自信……

领悟到很多人生道理,比如,practice makes perfect熟能生巧; You need to let go of things you cannot change. What's done is done. 覆水难收,学会放手。

在回答体育运动对年轻人成长的影响时,以上这些都是可以参考的。 具体到这个题目,如果选择同意,我们可以从沟通技能的角度说,年轻人可以develop their language skills,更好地和队友交流; 从团队精神的角度可以说,年轻人会懂得have faith in their teammates,学会信任队友。


Opinion: I agree with the statement.


R1: Sports is a good way to educate young people about cooperation, since it is fun. Compared with the long and boring textbooks, sports can inspire young people's thinking about cooperation.


R2: In addition, for team sports, team spirit is essential in achieving success, as it allows the team to function together and not individually. For example, when playing basketball, a good player will attract defenders towards him and then try to pass the ball to an open teammate.

团队精神是胜利的基础。 年轻人会学会如何让整个队伍运作起来,而不是一个人单打独斗。 比如,在打篮球的时候,一个好的球员会吸引对方防守球员,然后再把球传给其他





具体怎么去举例解释我们的理由呢,来学习一下 10月【语料虐炼】 学员的回答吧:

@学员  *:


⬆️ 「语料虐练」Coach点评

@学员  徐*


Opinion:Undoubtedly,I agree with this statement.

R1: Team sports tells us sometimes we cannot solely depend on our excellent performance to win the game. Appropriate cooperation is also required. For example,The Chinese volleyball team won the 2019 world cup not only because we have excellent athlete like Zhu Ting but also due to their cooperation. When we participate in such team sports,we also need to cooperate to win,which can help us understand the importance of cooperation.

R2: When we practice the team sports,we can learn a thing or two from our teammates and communicate with them to improve our team performance,which can also help us understand the team spirit

