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解析作者 | 唧唧堂经济金融写作小组:
;审校编辑 |
Abstract:We study the class of multiround, multiproduct clock procurement auctions that reduce offered prices at each round. When prices stop declining, the remaining bidders become the winning sellers. For single-minded bidders, each such auction has five properties not shared by Vickrey auctions: each is obviously strategy-proof and group-strategy-proof, sets prices that are Nash equilibrium winning bids in the related first-price auction, preserves winner privacy about values, and can be extended to satisfy a budget constraint. In simulations of the US incentive auction, a heuristic clock auction from this class achieves quick computations, high efficiency, and low prices.
参考文献:Paul Milgrom and Ilya Sega(2020).Clock Auctions and Radio Spectrum Reallocation.Journal of Political Economy,128(1),1-31.
Abstract:A positive demand shock for coltan, a mineral whose bulky output cannot be concealed, leads armed actors to create illicit customs and provide protection at coltan mines, where they settle as “stationary bandits.” A similar shock for gold, easy to conceal, leads to stationary bandits in the villages where income from gold is spent, where they introduce illicit mining visas, taxes, and administrations. Having a stationary bandit from a militia or the Congolese army increases welfare. These findings suggest that armed actors may create “essential functions of a state” to better expropriate, which, depending on their goals, can increase welfare.
图5 论国家基本职能的强化
参考文献:Raúl Sánchez de la Sierra(2020).On the Origins of the State: Stationary Bandits and Taxation in Eastern Congo.Journal of Political Economy,128(1),32-74.
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In online procurement markets, projects are often allocated through a mechanism that allows buyers to take into account a seller’s nonprice characteristics as well as his bid. We design a methodology to recover primitives of the environment in the presence of unobserved seller heterogeneity while accommodating two important features of such markets: buyer-specific choice sets and the high turnover of sellers. We apply our method to data from an online market for programming services, to assess buyers’ welfare gains associated with the globalization enabled by the internet. We find that the internet enables buyers to substantially improve on their outside (local) option; many of the gains arise from access to the international markets.
参考文献:Elena Krasnokutskaya, Kyungchul Song, and Xun Tang(2020).The Role of Quality in Internet Service Markets.Journal of Political Economy,128(1),75-117.
Abstract:The absence of a trend in hours worked in the postwar United States is an exception: across countries and historically, hours fall steadily by a little below 0.5% per year. Are steadily falling hours consistent with a stable utility function over consumption and leisure under balanced growth of the macroeconomic aggregates? Yes. We fully characterize the class of such functions and thus generalize the well-known “balanced-growth preferences” that demand constant (as opposed to falling) long-run hours. Key to falling hours is an income effect (of steady productivity growth on hours) that slightly outweighs the substitution effect.
图2 长期的美国工时
图3 1950-2015年选定国家年龄在15至64岁的人均年工时
参考文献:Timo Boppart and Per Krusell(2020).Labor Supply in the Past, Present, and Future: A Balanced-Growth Perspective.Journal of Political Economy,128(1),118-157.
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Abstract:Exploiting admission thresholds to the Bologna day care system, we show using a regression discontinuity (RD) design that one additional day care month at age 0–2 reduces intelligence quotient by 0.5% (4.7% of a standard deviation) at age 8–14 in a relatively affluent population. The magnitude of this negative effect increases with family income. Similar negative impacts are found for personality traits. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis from psychology that children in day care experience fewer one-to-one interactions with adults, with negative effects in families where such interactions are of higher quality. We embed this hypothesis in a model that lends structure to our RD design.
图A-3 距离密度与最终FAI阈值协变量均值的连续性
参考文献:Margherita Fort, Andrea Ichino, and Giulio Zanella(2020).Cognitive and Noncognitive Costs of Day Care at Age 0–2 for Children in Advantaged Families.Journal of Political Economy,128(1),158-205.
Abstract:I analytically characterize the long-run behavior of an economy with two types of agents who differ in their beliefs and are endowed with homothetic recursive preferences. Agents with more incorrect beliefs dominate, or agents with different accuracy of their beliefs coexist in the long run, for broad ranges of plausible parameterizations when risk aversion is greater than the inverse of the intertemporal elasticity of substitution. The results highlight a crucial interaction between risk sharing, speculative behavior and consumption-saving choice of agents with heterogeneous beliefs, and the role of equilibrium prices in shaping long-run outcomes.
图2 代理人不同信仰扭曲的生存域
参考文献:Jaroslav Borovička(2020).Survival and Long-Run Dynamics with Heterogeneous Beliefs under Recursive Preferences.Journal of Political Economy,128(1),206-251.
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Abstract:Social insurance is often linked to marriage. Existing evidence suggests small marital responses to financial incentives and stems from settings where benefits are realized in the near future. I analyze how linking survivors insurance to marriage affects the marriage market. Exploiting Sweden’s elimination of survivors insurance, I demonstrate that severing this link (1) affected entry into marriage up to 50 years before expected payout, (2) raised the divorce rate by 10%, and (3) raised the assortativeness of matching. This suggests that marital behavior is a key component of couples’ strategies to plan for financial security in old age.
图3 新婚姻的经验分布
参考文献:Petra Persson(2020).Social Insurance and the Marriage Market.Journal of Political Economy,128(1),252-300.
Abstract:We study merger policy in a dynamic computational model in which firms can reduce costs through investment or through mergers. Firms invest or propose mergers according to the profitability of these strategies. An antitrust authority can block mergers at some cost. We examine the optimal policy for an antitrust authority that cannot commit to its future policy and approves mergers as they are proposed. We find that the optimal policy can differ substantially from a policy based on static welfare. In general, antitrust policy can greatly affect firms’ investment behavior, and firms’ investment behavior can greatly affect the optimal antitrust policy.
图15 箭头显示了最优承诺策略下5个时段的预期过渡
参考文献:Ben Mermelstein, Volker Nocke, Mark A. Satterthwaite, and Michael D. Whinston(2020).Internal versus External Growth in Industries with Scale Economies: A Computational Model of Optimal Merger Policy.Journal of Political Economy,128(1),301-341.