[1]Lang, Gladys Engel, and Kurt Lang. Etched in memory: The building and survival of artistic reputation. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1990.
[2]Corse, Sarah M., and Monica D.Griffin. “Cultural valorization and African American literary history: Reconstructing the canon.” Sociological forum. Vol.12. No.2. Springer Netherlands, 1997.
[3]集体记忆研究的奠基者是法国学者哈布瓦赫(Maurice Halbwachs)。其在20世纪20年代出版的《记忆的社会框架》一书被认为是集体记忆研究领域的开山之作。以巴里·施瓦茨为代表的一批学者则是美国较早从事记忆研究的社会学者。这也跟美国和西方在20世纪80年代“记忆潮”(memory boom)的兴起有关。关于西方记忆研究的兴起和发展阶段,详见钱力成、张翮翾:“社会记忆研究:西方脉络,中国图景与方法实践”,《社会学研究》2015年第6期,第215—237页。
[4]这三本书的英文出版信息分别是:(1)Schwartz, Barry. George Washington: The making of an American symbol. Cornell University Press, 1990.(2)Schwartz, Barry.Abraham Lincoln and the forge of national memory. University of Chicago Press, 2000.(3)Schwartz, Barry. Abraham Lincoln in the postheroic era: History and memory in late twentiethcentury America. University of Chicago Press, 2008。
[5]这两本书的英文出版信息分别是:(1)Fine, Gary Alan. Difficult Reputations: Collective Memories of the Evil, Inept, and Controversial. University of Chicago Press, 2001. ( 2)Fine, Gary Alan, ed.Sticky reputations: The politics of collective memory in midcentury America. Routledge, 2012。
[6]见Schwartz, Barry. 1991. “Social Change and Collective Memory: The Democratization of George Washington.” American Sociological Review 56: 221-236。
[7]威廉·古德曾任美国社会学协会的主席。《庆贺英雄》一书的英文出版信息如下:Goode, William Josiah. The Celebration of Heroes: Prestige As a Social Control System. University of California Press, 1978。
[8]此书出版信息如下:Hunt, Lynn.1984. Politics, culture, and class in the French Revolution. Berkeley: University of California Press。