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联合国副秘书长努卡:贫穷拥有一张女性的脸庞 | 财新时间

财新视听  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2019-02-17 18:38






编导: 范俏佳

主持人: 袁小珊

嘉宾: 联合国副秘书长、妇女署执行主任 普姆齐莱•姆兰博-努卡







I remember in one of your presentation, you have mentioned that woman are more likely living in extreme poverty. And you also work with many non-profit organizations, try to help African women to get working skills. Do you want to share something about that?



Yes. I mean we still live in a world where the majority of poor people are women. We even say that poverty has the face of a woman, the same in china. It's the same all over the world. So if you're fighting poverty, you have to have a program that is dedicated to women. If you just do it just in general, you may miss the women in between. For instance, if you consider that sometimes women will struggle to go and be part of a program because of children. You have to think about how you could facilitate child care in the process of training the women. we have to consider also that in many countries, the women are the ones who do not have very high education.


So when you introduce the program, you must also try and invest in excellent rating education starting from basic literacy in some cases, but also women are very ambitious. You must also aim for women to reach the very top, uh, because women have that capacity and the appetite to accept. And if you're doing with poverty against women, we must also consider the fact that when women already have families, they cannot absent themselves from their families. So it should be delivered in such a way that she's able to multi-task to do both, which makes it the harder. But women are so determined, they actually make it work even under these difficult situations. And they succeed.



You mentioned that different country face same challenges in terms of the gender equity. But I think the situation may be quite different, because compare with the woman in Europe and America, Asian woman kind of be unconsciously influenced by our traditional cultures or the historical remaining, we are not very sensitive about our rights, and rights protections before.



You know, even though the context of different countries and the cultures are different, it is remarkably universal what women experience in different parts of the world. If you talk about violence against women and domestic violence, it is a woman being beaten up. It doesn't matter what country they come from. The pain is the same.


So whatever the reason in the culture, maybe for people to tolerate that, the danger that the woman faces is the same. So our intervention has to be just as deliberate.


If you're talking about under representation of women in decision making, there isn't a single country in the world in which women adequately represented in politics, in the economy, even in countries where women performing very well in university, which means that there is a pipeline of women can be leaders who are not being a considered.


So the stereotypes and the norms, that's make it possible to discriminates against women are actually very common. The end result is the exclusion of women.

