专栏名称: bioSeedin柏思荟
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勃林格殷格翰、罗氏Global Head加入2024DJSeedin合作交易大会

bioSeedin柏思荟  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-14 18:25



适逢其时, 2024年第四届DJSeedin创新合作峰会 将于 5月15-16日 在上海黄浦江边举行。旨在搭建创新药交易、合作、融资平台,预计吸引 60+ 企业路演 400 +合作伙伴 1000+ BD 和投资人 参与。

大会名称| 2024第四届DJSeedin创新合作峰会

DJSeedin Innovation Partnering Conference 2024)

大会日期| 2024.5.15-16(周三/周四)

大会地址| 上海浦东

大会内容| 1-on-1 Partnering 线下路演 上市公司、临床阶段公司、早期技术公司、海外公司)

大会规模| 10 00~1200

参会观众| C-Level、药企BD、一二级市场投资机构、证券公司

扫码报名/ Scan QR code for registration



Detlev Mennerich
Global Head of Business Development & Licensing at Boehringer Ingelheim

Detlev studied chemistry in Braunschweig and Bordeaux and holds a PhD in Cell & Molecular Biology.

In 2001, he started his industrial career at metaGen Pharmaceuticals and Schering AG in Berlin as a Scientist in Oncogenomics focusing on target validation and biomarker research.

In 2005, he joined Boehringer Ingelheim in Biberach an der Riss, where he held several positions with increasing responsibility: he started as Laboratory Head in Genomics for new drug concept nominations. In 2009, Detlev moved to Ridgefield, CT (USA) as Project Leader for an anti-inflammatory antibody project (Spesolimab, which has been submitted for market authorization in 4Q/2021). In 2011, he returned to Biberach heading the Target Validation Technologies Group supporting all diseases areas in new drug concept creation.

Beginning of 2014, he started as investment director at the Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund investing in clinical translation of pioneering therapeutic approaches, i.e., in the field of immuno-oncology, immuno-tolerization and regenerative concepts. He served as Board Member of ViraTherapeutics GmbH in Innsbruck, until ist acquisition by Boehringer Ingelheim in September 2018. He also served as Board Member of NBE Therapeutics AG in Basel, until its acquisition by Boehringer Ingelheim in January 2021.

In 2020, Detlev returned to internal Discovery Research unit as Global Head of Research Beyond Borders, before he moved in 2022 into his current role as Global Head of Business development & Licensing for Boehringer Ingelheim.

Harm-Jan Borgeld
Global Head, Asia Partnering, Roche

Harm-Jan Borgeld is leading Roche’s Pharma Partnering team in Asia. He is based in Shanghai. The Asia Partnering team is responsible for seeking and executing partnerships with biotechs and pharma companies working on novel therapies in Japan, China, and South-Korea. Roche Asia Partnering is an integral component of the global Pharma Partnering unit, a team consisting of 120 people based across the globe who are looking for partnerships for Roche and Genentech’s R&D unit as well as the broader late-stage pharma division.

Prior to joining Roche, Harm-Jan led the Global Alliance Management Department at Merck Healthcare KGaA. Before heading the Global Alliance Management Department, he was leading a project team that worked on developing a novel immunotherapy to treat cancer. He started his work at Merck KGaA in the licensing and business development department. Prior to Merck, he was responsible for Business Development in Europe for the Japanese firm, Kyorin Pharmaceuticals.

He received his MBA from the Rotterdam School of Management, the Netherlands / Haas Business School, US, and his PhD from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Nagoya, Japan, and graduated from the Wageningen University, the Netherlands.

陈 燕
Pierre Fabre Medical Care 业务拓展高级经理

陈燕女士在医药行业拥有近10年的产品评估、业务拓展、战略及联盟管理经验,目前就职于皮尔法伯制药(中国)。在加入皮尔法伯之前曾就职于知名药企扬子江药业、Exeltis China,曾参与并领导完成了多项产品立项、许可交易、战略合作、股权投资等项目,在业务拓展各个环节都具有丰富的经验,熟悉肿瘤、自身免疫、神经、慢性病、皮肤等领域。陈燕女士拥有上海大学生物学硕士学位。




1-on-1 Partnering 合作投资对接

高效约见: 轻松与投资人、药企BD、CEO等超300家、1000+位业界精英高效约见,畅聊项目发展。

提升效率: 精准安排会面,快速洽谈合作事宜,提升参会效率。

精准对接: 1-on-1系统精准对接潜在合作伙伴,让项目得到更多曝光。

数据说话: 上届会议成功约见300+次会议,发送近3000+会议邀约。



Thanks to Our Partners

Diamond Partner

Partnering interest:

New ideas. New science. First-in-class medicine. This is what we’re looking for in our search to discover the next generation of breakthrough medicines. Our partnering activities encompass:

· Focusing on the discovery and development of new and better medicines for patients in our scientific focus areas

· Investigating common pathological mechanisms such as fibrosis and immune modulation that contribute to multiple diseases

· Exploring new frontiers in science and technology, outside our scientific focus areas, to anticipate future trends that complement our research strategy.

Business Development & Licensing Partnering Interests:

· CardioMetabolic Diseases

· CNS Diseases

· Immunology

· Oncology

· Respiratory Diseases

· Retinal Health

Research Beyond Borders Partnering Interests:

· Gene Therapy

· Regenerative Medicine

· Rare Diseases

The Pierre Fabre Group has set itself the mission of developing innovative solutions that contribute significantly to the well-being of men and women, from health to beauty. Our Group has been built on a combination of excellence in R&D and strong collaborative partnerships. We are therefore actively seeking opportunities that will enrich our product portfolio and pipeline. We will focus on exploring three areas with potential partners: Oncology, Dermatology and Rare Disease.

Innovation Partner
