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中国地理资源期刊网  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-22 12:00



Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。“论文快递”栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第二百七十四期, 将介绍 Urban Studies Online First中最新发表的四篇论文,和近期正式出版期刊中的一篇论文 主题包括行政模糊性对全球南方水治理的影响,中国城市化进程中地方政府虚拟平台与公民生活满意度的关系,城市数字邻里平台的不平等传播,围绕企业主义创意城市的争议,以及新加坡城市热岛的时空变化。 欢迎阅读。

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Everyday practices of administrative ambiguation and the labour of de-ambiguation: Struggling for water infrastructure in Mumbai


Purva Dewoolkar(英国曼彻斯特大学;印度Pani Haq Samiti社会组织)
Deljana Iossifova(英国曼彻斯特大学)
Sitaram Shelar(印度Pani Haq Samiti社会组织)
Alison L Browne(英国曼彻斯特大学)
Elsa Holm(英国曼彻斯特大学)


In this paper, we use the notion of administrative precarity to refer to the vulnerability and insecurity experienced by marginalised and disadvantaged groups as a result of their interactions with ambiguous administrative procedures. Using the example of water infrastructure administration in Mumbai, specifically the experiences of ‘Pani Haq Samiti’ – the ‘Right to Water campaign’– we formulate how administrative precarity and infrastructural violence intersect in transcalar practices of ambiguation in urban governance. We build on a nascent set of literature that illustrates how ambiguity in administrative processes is used as a tactic to avoid or deny the impacts of bureaucratic process of water and sanitation governance in Mumbai. We work through several examples of the ambiguous practices and paperwork involved in implementing the universal right to water in urban Mumbai with a specific focus on the challenges in non-notified slums. We demonstrate that the practices of ambiguation, are often entrenched in everyday interactions between citizens or activists and administrators on the ground. In enabling the continued withholding of water infrastructure these ambiguous bureaucracies create an administrative precarity and are thus constitutive to persistent infrastructural violence against marginalised groups. We show that everyday practices of activists and administrators provoke the labours of de-ambiguation as a pre-requisite to the implementation of infrastructural solutions to achieve the ‘Right to Water’ under administrative precarity. We call for more research on everyday practices of (de-)ambiguation, including highlighting the potentially transformative role that urban scholarship may take to support the labour of de-ambiguation.


本文利用行政不稳定这个概念来探讨边缘化群体和弱势群体在与模糊的行政程序互动时所经历的脆弱性和不安全感。以孟买的供水基础设施管理为例(特别是“Pani Haq Samiti”(水权运动)的经历),我们阐述了行政不稳定和基础设施暴力如何在城市治理的跨尺度模糊实践中同时出现。我们借鉴了一组新兴文献,这些文献阐述了行政流程中的模糊性如何被作为策略来利用,以避免或消除孟买的水和卫生治理中的官僚程序带来的影响。本文介绍了几个实例,关注在孟买市区实施普遍用水权过程中所涉及的模糊实践和文书工作,特别是未在册的贫民窟所面临的挑战。这些实例表明,模糊实践经常根深蒂固于公民或社会活动人士与当地管理人员之间的日常互动中。这些模糊的官僚做法使得供水基础设施的建设继续拖延,从而造成行政不稳定,并因此构成了针对边缘群体的持续的基础设施暴力。本文表明,社会活动人士和管理者的日常实践激发了消除模糊的努力,这是在行政不稳定的情况下实施基础设施解决方案以实现“水权”的先决条件。我们呼吁对(消除)模糊的日常实践进行更多的研究,包括强调城市学术研究在支持消除模糊的努力方面可能发挥的潜在变革作用。

Mumbai, right to water, administrative precarity, everyday practices of ambiguation, de-ambiguation, infrastructural violence




The physical and virtual presence of the local state and citizens’ life satisfaction in urbanising China


Juan Chen(香港理工大学)
Mengyu Liu(香港理工大学)
Lin Gong(英国利兹大学)
Charles Chang(昆山杜克大学)

首次出版时间: 2024/11/08 |研究论文

China’s rapid and ongoing urbanisation has led to the expansion of the local state. The state, traditionally exhibited as physical institutions of government, has emerged virtually in recent years based on intricate network infrastructure systems, such as social media platforms. Scholars contend that a strong physical state infrastructure enhances government function and can increase citizens’ life satisfaction; in contrast, the state’s virtual presence is unlikely to exert a substantial independent impact because of its reliance on the state’s physical infrastructure. In this research, we calibrated innovative measures of the state’s physical and virtual presence. Combined with data from the 2018 Urbanisation and Quality of Life Survey conducted in 40 sampling sites undergoing rural–urban transition, we further assessed how the local state’s physical and virtual presence is associated with citizens’ self-reported life satisfaction in the context of China’s national new-type urbanisation. Our results, based on three-level mixed-effects regressions, indicate that the local state’s bricks-and-mortar institutions do not correlate with citizens’ life satisfaction; rather, the establishment of a web-based, cost-effective, transparent, and coordinated virtual presence is associated with a higher level of life satisfaction among citizens. At a time when the Chinese central government emphasises its commitment to ‘people-centred’ urbanisation, the findings offer insight into the strategies that local governments could employ to improve governance quality and enhance citizens’ well-being.




China, life satisfaction, presence of state, subjective well-being, urbanisation





The unequal spread of digital neighbourhood platforms in urban neighbourhoods: A multilevel analysis of socio-demographic predictors and their relation to neighbourhood social capital


Dietrich Oberwittler(德国马克斯·普朗克犯罪、安全和法律研究所)
Lisa Natter(德国巴伐利亚州刑事警察局犯罪学研究小组)

首次出版时间: 2024/11/13 |研究论文

Digital neighbourhood platforms (DNPs) – also called online neighbourhood networks or neighbourhood social networks – are still a relatively novel phenomenon, and little is known about their actual reach among citizens and about neighbourhood conditions which foster or impede their spread. We consider DNPs as a digital extension of conventional neighbourhood social capital and analyse their spread in comparison with the latter using a recent community survey in two large German cities with a probability sample of 2900 respondents in 139 neighbourhoods. The analysis is guided by the scholarly discussion on the potential of DNPs to reduce current inequalities in the distribution of social capital. The results showed that 18% of respondents in Cologne and 12% of respondents in Essen have used DNPs. Multilevel analyses revealed a strong negative association of neighbourhood ethnic diversity with user rates, in parallel to the same negative effect on conventional neighbourhood social capital. It is therefore reasonable to assume that pre-existing inequalities in social capital are replicated by DNPs. On the individual level, the use of DNPs was less dependent on strong social bonds than on conventional social capital. Comparing respondents who use DNPs to those who do not, the former group proves to be socially more connected, more trusting and more satisfied with their neighbourhoods.


concentrated disadvantage, digital neighbourhood platforms, ethnic diversity, inequality, neighbourhoods, social capital





The entrepreneurial creative city and its discontents: The politics of art-led urban regeneration in Incheon, South Korea


Se Hoon Park(韩国人居环境研究院)

HaeRan Shin(韩国首尔国立大学)

首次出版时间: 2024/11/14 |研究论文


The increasing occurrence of discontent and conflict regarding making creative cities across the globe has led scholars to pay significant attention to the political dimension of creative-city policies. This study, by exploring the controversy over the Incheon Art Platform, a warehouse-turned art space in Incheon, South Korea, offers a situated understanding of how the city government’s entrepreneurial approach to the creative city was resisted and reinterpreted by local civil society groups. Against the backdrop of enhanced urban entrepreneurialism and the rise of civil activism in Incheon, the arrival of the creative city concept has generated opposing interpretations of the role of art and culture between the city government and civil society groups. Given the state’s expansionist policy toward the cultural sector in the nation, the entrepreneurial version of a creative city was first resisted by local cultural actors along with government-sponsored artists and subsequently sparked an artist-inspired anti-entrepreneurism protest in the city. This paper demonstrated how the creative city became a subject of political struggle within the unique relationship between the state and the cultural sector in South Korea, thereby contributing to enriching global urban knowledge on making and remaking creative cities beyond the Global North.


