Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,智利国家价格扭曲调查委员会(CNDP)公布的一份文件显示,智利决定对从中国进口的矿物和矿石磨球征收最终反倾销税。
The Chilean National Commission for Price Distortions (CNDP) has imposed definitive anti-dumping duties on Chineseimports of conventional balls for grinding minerals and ores. This is according to a document from the commission monitored by Kallanish.
CNDP noted that there is sufficient evidence of damage to the domestic production of the said product classifiedunder HS code 7326.1110. Chile has therefore imposed 8.2% countervailing dutiesad valorem for imports from China`s Goldpro New Materials Co. Ltd. and forother exporting companies from China.
The measure is in force for a period of sixmonths and expiring on 23 May 2020.
在当地生产商CAP Acero提出申诉后,智利于2019年5月6日开始对中国产品进行反倾销调查。
Chile began the AD investigation on Chinese imports on 6 May 2019, following a complaint by local producer CAP Acero.
Asia Steel Markets 2020
22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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15 Nov 2019, Houston, United States