一些成功人士,比如Madonna, Martha Stewart, John Lennon, Ellen DeGeneres, Ben Franklin, Ronald Reagan, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison 和Johnny Cash, 他们之间有些什么共同点? 他们每个人喜欢列清单。除成功人士之外,CEO和成功企业家们都喜欢用列清单的方式来跟踪自己的主意, 想法和任务。每天抽出时间来完成每一件事, 留出时间允许自己挣扎。 难怪我们中有那么多人压力巨大,事务繁多和精疲力尽。 据一个非盈利家庭和工作机构的研究, 半数以上的美国员工感觉烦恼。 我们中有54%的人感觉自己忙得团团转。《清单思维》向你证明了你不必这样生活。 你仍可以抽出时间休息, 阅读一本好书,做自己想做的事。 《清单思维》是一本不可缺少的书, 它让你学会节省时间,变得有条理,提高生产力,省钱及减少压力。
What do Madonna, Martha Stewart, John
Lennon, Ellen DeGeneres, Ben Franklin, Ronald Reagan, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas
Edison, and Johnny Cash have in common? Each is (or was) a list maker. These
successful people, along with CEOs and successful entrepreneurs, all use lists
to keep track of their ideas, thoughts, and tasks. Finding enough hours in the
day to get everything accomplished and allow for some downtime can be a
struggle. It's no wonder so many of us are stressed, overextended, and
exhausted. More than half of all American employees feel overwhelmed, according
to a study by the nonprofit Family and Work Institute. For the 54 percent of us
who feel like we’re chasing our own tails, Listful Thinking is here to prove
that it doesn't have to be that way. You can still find time to relax, read a
good book, and do the things you love. Listful Thinking is the book that will
give readers their lives back with indispensable tips on saving time, getting
organized, improving productivity, saving money, and reducing stress.