Influential world leaders, scientists and environmentalists assembled at the United Nations Ocean Conference in New York on Thursday, which marked World Oceans Day.They discussed problems oceans face and how to find sustainable solutions.
On the other side of the Pacific, college and high school students hosted a mirror event at Beijing’s China Foreign Affairs University on the same day.
Students clad in formal attire played the roles of diplomats to deliberate marine resources’ sustainable use.
“It’s really interesting to get a glimpse into what diplomacy really is,” says Jonas Schmid, a 20-year-old student from the University of Tuebingen in Germany, who represented France.
“I think every delegate here really wants to ameliorate the state of the oceans and reach a consensus.”
模联一般会模拟联合国中的机构,比如联合国大会 (General Assembly)、联合国粮食及农业组织(
Food and Agriculture Organization
“Soccer is a very popular sport in Chinese cities,” says China Foreign Affairs University junior Jiang Shan, who served as the chairman of the simulated FIFA event. “Implanting FIFA in the MUN is interesting and can also increase the delegates’ engagement.”
“At Model UN, you broaden your horizons. By leading and networking, you can be part of the UN’s efforts to establish peace, secure human rights and enable all people to live in dignity.”
对于古特雷斯的这份愿景,德国学生卢卡斯·埃格特也很认同。今年早些时候,他第一次参加了亚洲国际模联(Asian International Model United Nations)。
“最初,我仅仅是想通过模联了解他人的想法。” 北京大学汉学研究专业学生埃格特说道 。
“At first, I just wanted to have a glance into the minds of other people,” says the 20-year-old Chinese studies major at Peking University in Beijing.
“Our major is not just about the language but also about understating the cultural history and the future of China.”
埃格特还提到参加模联这一经改变了他对一些议题的看法,包括“一带一路”(the Belt and Road Initiative)。
“讨论那些观点并且真的去关注中国媒体……可以帮助你了解到‘一带一路’是一种和平的方式,让我们共同促进世界的发展。” 他说道。
“Talking about those points and actually looking into the Chinese media … helps you understand it’s just a peaceful way of developing the world and developing it together,” he says.
“Dialogue is the most important thing. No matter how far the positions are apart from each other, you can always find a consensus.”